Day 33 Creativity! Music, Art, Dance!

There are many ways to be creative, not just with art, music or dance. Though this blog for today is dedicated to just those areas of creativity.

Leaping into the air and dancing like you just don't care! Feeling your body as it moves, the wind, the air, the breathing, the rhythm, the sound of the music or the sound of the room.

Taking something that didn't exist before and bringing it into creation. It can be WORDS that were never written or expressed before! The jolly Giraffe soared on roller blades under pink flamingo skies! Art is just that! Creating forms and shapes that never existed before. It is a part of you that is expressed into something new.

Music! Creating a sound a moment that is an extension of yourself into the environment around you! Playing a piece of music spontaneously freestyle where you lose track whether you are creating the music and rather the music is creating itself and you just have the honor of bearing witness to it.

Doing something, expressing something unexpected, unplanned. Doing something funny, knowing it will be funny, and seeing the moment unfold just as you saw it before you moved to create it.

These are real moments of living. And there is more.

That's it for now. Just reflect on these moments for yourself, and practice MOVING yourself to LIVE them as yourself. Initiate it! Move yourself! Create the moment!


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