A Global Community - One World -

The world that is out there, and the world that is right here around our heads are the same. We are creating the world out there through the world we keep right here. This includes our thoughts, feelings, emotions, even the secrets ones, even the ones that pop up for a moment and then we suppress them. We don't really know how to work with our emotions and feelings effectively. We are very good at suppressing them, yes we can do that. This skill of suppression allows us to do our jobs, come home to our families, and wake up each day, but it has a price to pay and it has to come out eventually. It affects our health, it slowly pops up unexpectedly and in this worst possible moments in our relationships and workplace. We would be much better off if we knew how to really work with our emotions, feelings, and thoughts well. We would have more control, we could do much better.

The other thing is our disconnect from life. We have become very selfish and very self-centered in our lifestyles. We hold fashion-like ideas, beliefs, and opinions, that gives us an identity. We choose sides and pick which groups to be our allies and friends because how it serves us personally. We think that this world owes us something, and we have the right to be an individual that goes after whatever makes us happy or what we think is right in world, without actually consulting the world. We aren't asking: what would be the best thing for me to do for the world? for everyone? I have been gifted this life, how do I give back?

We think that we are right to fight for our country or our people. We fight for people who look like us, who we grew up with. We fight for ideas that some people out there are just bad people, evil, corrupted, unsaveable, villains, just completely full of sin, and there is nothing you can do to help them. We think that our lives are in jeopardy, our identity, our jobs, our livelihood. We think somebody is to blame. We care so much about money, the economy, and the right economic policy and political policy, yet when was the last time we asked what can I do for Life? for Everyone? for People? for Nature? for the Animals? for the Earth?

Do we really care about Life? Or do we just care about what I think is right, what I believe is right/good, what I know to be right/good. But if you look at your actions, where have you spent your money on? your time? your words? your thoughts? your emotions and feelings? What do you speak and spread out there in the world? Do you speak of unity? Do you speak of togetherness? Do you think about the world being whole, One, a Community? Do you think about embracing people? Talking to people? Listening to people from all across the world? Do you think about how you can use your money to help people? Feed them? Create a future for them? Create a means for everyone to be well off? That everyone is healthy, can provide for their livelihood, are protected from harm. Do you think of all the children all across the world of all colors, sizes, shapes, cultures, languages? Do you hear how they all laugh the same and sound like children?

How much of what goes on inside of you is just bullshit, and fakenews. How much of your thoughts, ideas, beliefs opinions are fake news opinions, just destructive, divisive, distraction? How much of it just feeds your ego, feeds your image? How much do you really care for life and how much do you actually do anything about it? Where do your thoughts go? Where does your mind go? What do you do in your free time? Where do you spend your money?

The world that is out there, and the world that is right here around our heads are the same. We Create this world through what we accept allow in here, inside ourselves. In our mind, in our thought, emotion, feeling, spoken words, written words, and actions. We share this one world. We share this one reality. We each create this reality together. If we take responsibility for this reality, we are powerful. We can change this reality. We must better it.

It all starts with understanding what goes on in Here, inside. Understanding what we feel. Knowing what we feel. Feeling what we feel. Being able to let it go takes practice, its a skill. Changing who we are is a skill, it takes time to learn. Through time, through patience anyone can change who they are. It just requires consistency, and commitment. Imagine, if all it took for the world to change was for people to have commitment, consistency, to try, and to practice. It is certain that the world will change.

Everything you need to know in order to start is already being lived by many people for many years. Its called the Desteni Group. The tools are here. What you need to do. What you should expect. All sorts of descriptions and knowledge on specific emotions and feelings, thought patterns, challenges, resistances, difficulties are found across various websites, including facebook groups, destonians.com, journey to life blogs, the desteni website, the DIP courses, the desteni forums, eqafe.com

Good Luck


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