Day 15 Broken Wages Broken System

Here's a simple observation about the economy and free market system. In order for you to hire someone to do something for you, lets say a gardener for example. You would have to meet a certain number of conditions. First you need to be making more money than what you need to survive. Because you won't hire someone else for something if you cannot even eat. Secondly if you would pay someone a certain money per hour that is more than what you make per hour, than you would obviously just do the work yourself instead of paying the person, assuming you can.

Often what happens is that a person who makes $30 per hour will pay someone who make 8$ an hour to do the work. I know the math may be difficult to get but look at the fact that someone is making $8 an hour, and someone else who makes $30 an hour is paying them just 8$ an hour. Assuming that all jobs would pay the same rate lets say $100 an hour or $10 an hour, than why would you ever hire ANYBODY to do anything you can do yourself?

You wouldn't unless certain conditions are met, you are making MORE than what you need, more than your survival. If everyone on the planet made a certain amount per hour than is more than what they need, and it is all the same, lets say $50 an hour (though relatively speaking it doesn't really matter the amount) then yes people would still hire other people because they don't have to worry about survival. Commonsense math.But how much you can hire someone will be limited to a certain amount that is equal for everyone. This is an example of equality, as well as taking responsibility for the environment and use of time of people and resources of the Earth.

Currently there is no limit in the system. People are constantly trying to break the system's rules in their favor. And when they make it to the top, they used the fact that the system didn't give a shit about them when they were poor as an excuse to not give  a shit about anybody when they finally make it. Its a barbaric system.

There is no love, care or regard for life. The only regard for is self-survival, survival of one's own family, survival of one's own country, survival of one's own ideology, religions, beliefs, nationality, identity. etc...Whatever word you want to pick that creates a small sub-group from the entirety of life, you can insert it there. Because as long as you separate from the whole of Life, of existence = You create the problem: you create poverty, war, starvation, murder, abuse.

Everyone has the same equal responsibility for this existence, to do everything you can for what is right for everyone for all. You know what is right, you know what kind of world would be right. It is a world where you could place yourself in the shoes of everything that exists and know that is best can not be any better. Its commonsense.

The mere fact that people make so many different wages show the problem in the system. Especially since the wages dip below poverty line.

For those who are ready, we can create a new way. What matters is what you as an individual pledge to do. And what matters is that you understand the limits of your mind, your self and how you operate within yourself, because as well intention as you are, that doesn't mean you will complete your pledge or commitment. Changing this world will involve changing the individual self, changing what you believe to be possible, changing what you believe you are capable of doing.

You don't have to wait for anyone else. Alone you can already change the world. Alone you can already change others. Alone you can stand as the starting point that future generations stand upon. You can create the way for others to walk. Live the way and show the way.

In the deepest depths of yourself and the darkest points of your mind is the key and the place that you must be able to see, understand and change. This is why people are corrupted so easily, because we already accepted the rottenness within us. Inside us is the world that exists right now, which means there is the problem here within us.

To Fix the wage system needs to start with fixing the individual. You can't force a change through the system through dictatorship, and to vote in a new way requires democracy and a large number of individuals who already changed their inner self. Teach your children what you learn and pass on what you wish you learned before. Pass it on.

 Eventually a place can be created for those that are ready. It can be a town, maybe a city, a district, several cities, a whole large area, a state, a country. Through living the example for real, being disciplined, caring, aware of the environment, aware of how things are made, hard-working, helpful, good attitude, giving, sociable, connecting with the community and people. And most importantly placing all life as equally important, this includes the environment, the humans, the animals, the habitats, plants, bug life, everything... The end goal of such communities is not  Money but LIFE, and whether that includes money as a form or not it doesn't matter. Even within the current system of capitalism LIFE can exists because every human agent is making a constant CHOICE to do what they do and SPEND their money how they do. We can spend our money to support LIFE. So the only limit is within SELF and the MIND of the Individual. That is the key and that is where we will change once and for all of time. 


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