Day 34 Fundamentals of the Mind

Have you observed that with just the words THOUGHT, EMOTION and FEELING, (where emotions are the negative energy you feel and feelings are the positive version) constitutes most if not all of the human experience. Look how in your mind that in ANY given moment you are either having a Thought, an emotion or a feeling. Besides that the other option would be to have you awareness be placed within the body, such as in Breathing. Now, breathing fucks with the Mind. Because while you are breathing purposefully there is no space for your awareness to entertain a Thought.. So Breathing Fucks with the mind because no Energy is created. This is why the Physical is Key.

But look how with these three words thoughts, emotions and feelings, you already describe any given moment of you life, past or present. So bringing your awareness and attention to THIS moment always you can STOP the thought, emotion and feelings and radically change yourself. ANYONE can do this.

If you can prove to yourself that you can do SOMETHING without thought, emotion or feeling, then you can already prove that you don't need the thoughts, emotions or feelings to FUNCTION. You are able to make your own decisions.

With dedication and consistency you can prove how much you really don't need your mind at all to live. You can observe your mind and observe this moment and see deeper into reality, and how things worlds. You can SEE the TRUTH of reality automatically. You start to see how things really exist for people. You can see a better way.

TO STOP requires an act of will, and is supported through self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness is about taking responsibility in a clear and understandable way. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think a thought about... Do self-forgiveness empowers you for a moment. You take that empowerment and you act on it. You prove to yourself that you deserve to change, and you deserve better than this. You can show that you are much stronger and capable than you believed possible.


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