Day 16 Using Eqafe to answer my question

This Eqafe interview:

Helps me to understand this 'Passion', this 'Anger', this 'intensity' that is not a positive experience within me, where I am focusing on Existence, on what is best for all, on the problems in the world and the solutions I see we can do. By focusing on the ALL of Existence, I am not looking for my positive experience, my energy, my mind, my thoughts to participate in them.

How I found this interview was by going to the Eqafe search bar and typing in what I was interested in, in what question I had. So I searched for 'Anger' to find perspective on this Anger within me that was not positive and it relates to when looking at the World, the best for all that can be done.

The way I would describe it is that I am putting myself into action. I am writing my blogs, I am doing what I can online, I move and act and contribute to bringing forth the world that I want to see. Within this the Anger is instead a passion. It is my body turning on, like the ignition key of a car. I am ready to go. I am working. In the Interview it talks about compassion, and looking at something Greater to live for, other than just your self. This is what I think is happening within me.

I suggest you try doing the same. Go to the eqafe website, whatever question you have about your mind, your experience, your innerverse you search for it in the search bar. Type in the main word or words that describe what you want to learn about or get perspective on. Read the titles of the interviews that show up on the search results and pick the one that make sense, or pops out, or that closely relates to your question. Click on it, and read the description, if it sounds like it answers your question then get the interview and listen to it. Use that as a support.


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