Day 81 Enuciation, Pronounciation, Speaking Clearly, Project

So I have been practicing speaking and will continue to do so.

This is a recollection of the key points that I can do.

Find ways to just Speak Aloud.
1. Speaking aloud describing what I am doing: " I am washing the dishes" "I need to use the bathroom"  "I am walking to the bathroom"  "I am eating an apple"

2. Speaking aloud what I am seeing: "I am watching television" "This is third time I am seeing this commercial"  "there is a couple skating on ice" "I am looking out the window" "I see people playing tennis"

Points for me to focus on when speaking
 1. Projection - which means project as a verb, which means speaking loudly so that you send the sound OUT of you. You project to the room.
2. Place my hands/fingers to my mouth and feel the vibration of my lips, nose, which indicate I am speaking on the edge of my mouth, instead of speaking from deeper within my mouth. I want to speak on the edge of my lips so that the sound projects OUT.
 3. Listen to my own pronunciation of words and check if it sounds Crisp and Clear, without any difficulty, very easy/natural/automatic.
4. Practice and focus on the words and sounds I have trouble with.

Things I have found so far
1. Certain words I had to place focus on such as: Exercise, Scrambled, Creation... because the way I pronounced it wasn't crips/clear without any mumbling. I just kept repeating it, and working out my facial muscles and lips till I got it clear.
2. Reactions within me to certain words or to the moment, affect my pronunciation as well as cause SWALLOWING of words, which means not projecting it out, but keeping the sound in the back of my mouth.
3. There is a vibration on my chest when I speak a certain way at a deeper pitch, which is kind of soothing on my chest.

Something I remember
1. When singing a note you want to have two fingers width of your mouth open, so that the sound can leave your mouth clearly/loudly

Future Classes
1. I found one perfect place for taking singing lessons as a Baritone, or Deeper Pitch that guys can do. Will be calling tomorrow to schedule class.


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