Day 30 Humans are unaware?

So in recent blogs, including yesterday, I used the phrase: Humans are not aware.  What do I mean by this? So I was speaking yesterday in the context of manipulating others.

All people are aware to some extent of what they are doing. This includes being aware that yes you are manipulating someone and gaining some benefit, or that it feels right. But there is something that people who abuse are not aware of, and this is why I say people are not aware.

This SOMETHING that people are not aware of is something very important. It is something that you can only gain access to, if you strive to gain access to it. And this is the greater awareness of things. Like for example is the abuser aware of how the person they are abusing is feeling or experiencing? I mean they might understand it is bad, but it is possible to actually simulate that within yourself, or maybe its not a simulation but your own memory of being abused.

There is also the awareness of everyone/everything and what it would be like to live with everyone and everyone, standing by everyone/everything, being aware of the physical, being physical, expressing yourself one and equal with physical things. The words I speak will be gibberish to you if you don't have some frame of reference or awareness of what I am talking about. But if you have some idea or some understanding then it will make some sense. This actually shows what I am talking about, in terms of being aware/unaware.

I can also explain it like this. If you were actually aware of how GREAT your life would be if you lived and were the point that is aligned with the physical and oneness and equality, then you would more quickly stop and change, and perhaps instantly. But that is kind of like cheating. And not really possible. Everything Great, you have to give to yourself, or earn it. However you want to look at it. Earn it or give it to yourself. The point is that it is the result of some effort on your part. Something you got to do.

There is the phrase that you are always one and equal to yourself. Which is true. You only see so much that you have given yourself the opportunity to see. Your process is literally in your own hands.

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