Day 25 The Point of Feeling Nothing

So, the moment of Feeling Nothing.
The point where you get to where you Feel Nothing.
The place/space where you feel Nothing.

So the point where you feel nothing, is where you can see what you truly want. Why?

It is logical why. The logic is that if you feel something, and then you try to see what you want, then what you want will be based on how you feel. Consider.

If you feel hungry, thirsty, or tired, you will see what you want is food, water or sleep. But is that what you really want?

If you feel lonely, sad, or anger, you will say that you want company, to feel happy, or to get revenge. But is that what you really want?

Whatever you FEEL in this moment, will influence your answer of what you want. Can you agree with that? That there is an influence? Im not saying its bad, right or wrong. I am saying it as a FACT. Do you agree that when you ask someone what they want, that how they FEEL will determine to an extent their answer?I understand that some people have greater willpower etc...

Now the question I have is were you even aware of this? Were you EVEN aware that how you are feeling is determining what you DO. Like, when people over eat in order to make themselves FEEL BETTER?  Or when people over exercise in order to make themselves FEEL BETTER? Or when people attack other people verbally, in order to make themselves FEEL BETTER?

So can you agree that much of what we DO is based on how we FEEL right now?
yes? No?

So theoretically if we feel nothing then we do nothing? Is that true?

When I tested this I found that when you Feel Nothing, that in order for you to do something you need to move yourself. No longer are you motivated by what you feel. And the question here is what do you want?

Can you want anything when you feel nothing? What happens when you ask someone what they want when they feel nothing?

The point of nothingness is that it is the place where you can be the Real You. Because the answer you give when you are asked what do you WANT. that is the Real Want. What do you want that fulfills that NEED in your SOUL. That is something deeper. A real deep want, which leads to a real deep completion, and sense of Self. It leads to a real presence, a real fulfillment.

I mean, WTF am I talking about?

I am talking about something you may have never experienced. Complete and utter satisfaction with your life and who you are, as a part of everything. Because right now, everything you want is based on what you happen to Feel. Why in the hell do you even feel these things?

Why do you feel Anger?

Why do you feel Sadness?

Why do you feel Loneliness?


What happens when you address what you feel? What happens when you try fixing yourself by giving what you want based on what you feel? What happens when you fulfill the want of anger? Fulfill the want of Sadness? What happens when you do things that somehow fill the void of your emotions? What happens?

It doesn't work, does it?  How long does it work for?

Do you really think that the way to happiness is to do whatever it takes to get rid of the anger, sadness and lonliness? Become more sociable, become more agreeable, fight those people, fight evil, make other happy, do this, do that.

Is that really the answer?

What about what YOU WANT. What do you REALLY WANT?

Is this what you really want? To have everyone like you? To fight evil? Is this a full and complete life?

Who are you?

Where the hell did these emotions and ideas come from? Where the hell did you get the idea that this is what it means to be alive?

As long as you allow yourself to validate what you feel. As long as you do whatever the hell that it wants you to do. As long as you live for the emotions itself. You won't be able to live what you want.

All and every single idea of what you want, is not real. Because its based on who you are now, and who you are now is someone based in their emotions. That is who you are. Every time you think about what you WANT, you will be thinking based on what you Feel. Only when you get to the point of stopping what you feel, where you feel nothing and then you can with honesty see what you want, then that's real.

The Fact right now is that Humans make all their decisions based on what they feel. They feel good with these people. They feel good with this drug. They feel good at this job. They feel good.... Or they are scared of this happening, they are scared of not having money, they are scared of being alone, they are scared of what others will think.

Everything people do is based on what they are feeling in the moment. Are they horny? Are they hungry? Thirsty? Anger? Sad? Jealous? Afraid? That is how it is possible to manipulate someone!

Someone who doesn't feel anything can't be manipulated.

If you had a leader, or you were a leader, what would be the best leader? Obviously someone who wouldn't be manipulated. Someone who wouldn't feel anything.

If you want to be honest, and have integrity, you can't feel anything. If you want to be the best person possible you can't feel anything.

And its not a sacrifice, its a gift!!!! It's something to learn. It's a skill/ability.

You see it in movies and TV shows, your emotions make you who you are. Without your emotions you wouldn't be yourself. Exactly!!!! You no longer will be someone who is manipulated, or be someone that takes revenge, or someone that is abusing yourself.

What do you think would happen to addicts if they no longer felt good with their addiction, or feel bad with it?

To be an addict requires you to feel!

To be a terrorist requires you to feel!

To murder requires you to feel!

To want to do harm to others or yourself requires you to feel something about it.

The question here is BEYOND everything you feel, what do you truly want?

Beyond feeling, beyond emotions. What is there?

I mean you don't know. Cause right now you feel something about these words on the screen. You feel maybe anger, or maybe fear. Maybe you feel insulted. Maybe you feel resistance. How can you even know?

You are your emotions. You can NEVER see beyond your emotions, unless you drop it somehow.

Who are you without feeling or emotions?

 The thing that you want right now is to Feel.

You WANT to have emotions, to feel. WHY??????????????

Have you ever explored anything beyond what you feel?

Have you ever considered that you never made such a decision.
You never decided I want to Feel.You just want to Feel.

Why do you want to feel anger?

Why do you want to feel sadness?

Why do you want to feel lonliness?

Is this all you are?

Is there more to life?

Why is every bone and fiber in your being resisting this message?

What are you so afraid of?

It is you!

Can you not decide who you are?

Can you not explore?

Can you not test it out?

What if I told you that all the problems that you are creating in your life is because you simply accept and allow yourself to act out what you feel in the moment.

I feel lazy. I feel tired. I feel annoyed. I feel irritated. I feel disrespected. I feel worthless. I feel stupid. I feel dumb. I feel sad. I feel mad.

What problems have you caused in your life based on these words?

What happens when you say hell no. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel I am dumb.

What happens if you no longer feel the way you feel?

What happens when you no longer feel?

You have absolute power to create yourself.

Start with Self-forgiveness. Start with stopping what you feel. Forgive yourself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel...


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