
Showing posts from August, 2017

Day 35 Follow up on The Biases Toward Women

So in a previous post I did forgiveness on my beliefs about women. In this blog I wanted to do a follow up. So, within rereading my blog post I have new insights. So, basically imagine one of those women groups or female groups that believe women are powerful, and believe women hold some special power, that there is something sacred about women, and that believe the world would be better if ran by women. Like some special female spiritual empowerment group thing. Imagine the above. Now, would you say that you want YOU to be let's say all these things: Powerful, DEEP, Strong, Compassionate, Caring, Insightful, Intelligent etc...   just because you were a women? Look at this point here. Would you want to BE anything JUST because you are a WOMAN???? If you look at this point in self-honesty you will see it is incredibly limiting and incredibly insulting to yourself and to everyone, including the female body, to think that WHO YOU ARE, what you LIVE, the words you are like...

Day 34 The Value of Being Alone

So the other day I learned something. This relates to the point of Manipulation that I face and the point of being alone. So basically I change when I am completely alone. When I am completely alone, all the reactions I am having to things in my environment, mainly people drop.  So basic truth is I am not YET fully ME, living me, without reaction, and comfortable enough to express my Real expression, in the face of rejection and resistance of people. Across my life, whenever I express myself FREELY and REAL, people judge me. They make fun of me. They tell me I am WEIRD. This has an effect on me. I react. I want to one day be strong enough where I don't react at all and I continue being me.That day is not here. So basically, here is the lesson, that we each need to spend time alone for part of the day or week or just whenever you need it. Because this alone time you will allow yourself to express your real self, and real expression at least part of the day/time. If you don...

Day 33 The Real Evil

Let's talk about the Real Evil in this reality. Today I saw how I automatically started speaking in a SAD WAY, even though I didn't feel sad. I spoke this way automatically because I needed to tell someone something and I didn't know how to, and if I spoke this way it would make it easier for them to hear me. Because when I speak in a sad way I manipulate the person. They can't feel angry at me. Cause I am sad, and that brings out emotions in them. I have faced people speaking in a sad way to me and that caused reactions in me. So this is PROOF that we manipulate people automatically, unconsciously. Was I aware that I was doing it? Only when I saw in the moment that yes I was speaking sad, and no I did not feel sad. I did not make a decision to now speak sad. It happened automatically. So theoretically I can see how we all as humanity are like this. We are all manipulating all the time without really being aware of it. Afterwards I had a good feeling. I felt good ...

Day 32 Manipulating through Kindness, and Niceness

So yesterday I was looking at the biases that I have toward women, which include seeing them as better, more honest, more intelligent, more trustworthy, and nice, and kind. And this was brought up thanks to looking at the manipulation that I have faced. Now I have already covered using Confidence, and using anger. And yesterday I sort of started introducing the point of using kindness, and being nice, and happy to manipulate. In this blog I am really going to focus in on this topic. Now one context where I have constantly faced being treated with kindness and happiness is when I was a child. This is something all children face. We treat children with kindness, and being nice to them and happy. So how is this manipulation? Well, how about when you tell a child in a great big happy voice with excitement = "why don't we go over here and do some finger painting won't it be so much fun!!!"  So the child gets excited by what you are saying and follows you and then starts ...

Day 31 Remove your Biases with Self-Forgiveness

So in the recent Previous Blogs, I covered Manipulation in the context of Confidence and Anger. Now in this blog I will cover Manipulation in the context of Being Nice, Kind and Happy. As well I will be covering this Bias I have, this judgment I have that enables me to be easily manipulated by a certain group of people. This group of people is women. So because of how I was raised I have had certain deeply ingrained beliefs and ideas about women. For as long as I can can remember, I viewed women/girls, including girls my age when I was growing up, to be more matured. I believed it. I believed females were more intelligent. I believed they are more trustworthy, Honest, and Kind. I believed women are Nice, gentle and compassionate. I believed the world would be better if women ran it. I believed that mothers were also nicer, kinder, more gentle, more responsible, stronger than fathers. I believed women were more important than men. I believed that it was better for me to be around gi...

Day 30 Humans are unaware?

So in recent blogs, including yesterday, I used the phrase: Humans are not aware.  What do I mean by this? So I was speaking yesterday in the context of manipulating others. All people are aware to some extent of what they are doing. This includes being aware that yes you are manipulating someone and gaining some benefit, or that it feels right. But there is something that people who abuse are not aware of, and this is why I say people are not aware. This SOMETHING that people are not aware of is something very important. It is something that you can only gain access to, if you strive to gain access to it. And this is the greater awareness of things. Like for example is the abuser aware of how the person they are abusing is feeling or experiencing? I mean they might understand it is bad, but it is possible to actually simulate that within yourself, or maybe its not a simulation but your own memory of being abused. There is also the awareness of everyone/everything and what it...

Why walk the Desteni Process?

Why should I walk the Desteni Process? The Desteni process is the process of facing your mind. Your mind is a complex system that generates your very thoughts and very emotions and feelings. The process of facing your mind is simple. So the process is simple, but the mind itself is complex. All you have to do is to stop the mind in this moment. You can stop the mind in this moment through self-forgiveness, as one tool. As long as you stop the mind in this moments and all future moments, then you will progress inside yourself. Your progression is to take back the responsibility and functions that your mind has taken over. Currently your mind takes on very important life functions. Your mind makes your decisions, it leads you down into relationships, it leads you down into addictions, it leads you down any path where it can further itself as a mind. Your mind is essentially living your life. So much of what we have lived as Humanity has been a lie. Yet it is our lie and our responsib...

Day 29 How to Forgive the Abuser

So the next step in my blogs is to address the situation when you are faced with people who have used Confidence to manipulate you. Like how I said in previous blogs, people/humans are not aware, they are minds. So your mind systems moves to manipulate others with Confidence as one technique. When I am faced with people who have manipulated me, I feel anger. I feel irritated, annoyed. I feel rage. I feel blame. It is just pure anger. So this blog will be about how to, lets say forgive others for abuse they have done to you. The simple answer is that in order to forgive others, I really just have to forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel anger, irritated, annoyed and to blame them. Because I realize that people are not aware. They are acting out their programming. And yes they did manipulate me, and you could say the following:    if they had known better, if they had been aware, if they hadn't manipulated, then I would have gotten back some years in my l...

Day 28 When Hearing Confidence

Confidence is a word I used in my last blog and I want to expand on it. Here is an example of the context:  When someone you know tells you very confidently that things are really bad and there is no way you can succeed in something. Now, I am saying it like how they say it: "Look there is NO WAY that you can do this, its impossible!!!  This is just how the world works."  What do you feel in such moments in hearing such statements? For me, there is a reaction, I feel something. I feel they are right. I want to give in, and I want them to be right. Here is the context I am referring when we speak in Confidence. Now we say we, but is it us? The mind is primary force in the world. So when people speak in confidence it can be used to manipulate other people. To Fight for your point of view. The same when we speak in anger in order to get someone to agree with us. Anger is a little bit different. For example: "If you don't do this right now, I am never going to be...

Day27 Reacting To Manipulation

This blog post will be about Manipulation and what I have uncovered/discovered through Me. So I found that there are two main types of Manipulation. There might be more, but right now this is what I have found.  I am defining Manipulation here as using an Expression and/or Emotion/Feeling to get someone Else to do something, believe in something, etc... Based on what I observed each person will be familiar in using in one Polarity type of manipulation. This is what I observed of myself, as well as the adults and children I have known. There is the Happiness/Sadness Manipulation, and the Anger/Nice Manipulation. These are the two types. You will most clearly see this form of manipulation in children, because of their lack of experience. Adults start to evolve these Manipulations into these more sophisticated types: Love/Depression Manipulation and the Confident/Gentle Manipulation. So these are evolutions of the Happiness/Sadness Manipulation and the Anger/Nice Manipul...

Day 26 What comes after nothing?

Yesterday we spoke about Feeling Nothing, the point of it, why does it exist, the purpose of it, what it means. In a basic sense, it means nothing. Why nothing? Because after nothing, well something. What comes after nothing? something. Living Words. Understand that Living Words is a tool. Living words is a structure that you can use to live/express yourself. It's not like the ONLY way. And understand the flexibility of words. Words in each language are different. For many languages there are no direct translations for many words. Living words is a tool. Living words is a way to help yourself. Just like with self-forgiveness, without self you cannot live words. There is no magic. There is no magic in process. There is no magic in self-forgiveness. There is no magic in Living words. The only source of power in all of this is Self. The only source of power in existence is Self. So. What comes after nothing? Creation. Just like in the bible. First there was no...

Day 25 The Point of Feeling Nothing

So, the moment of Feeling Nothing. The point where you get to where you Feel Nothing. The place/space where you feel Nothing. So the point where you feel nothing, is where you can see what you truly want. Why? It is logical why. The logic is that if you feel something, and then you try to see what you want, then what you want will be based on how you feel. Consider. If you feel hungry, thirsty, or tired, you will see what you want is food, water or sleep. But is that what you really want? If you feel lonely, sad, or anger, you will say that you want company, to feel happy, or to get revenge. But is that what you really want? Whatever you FEEL in this moment, will influence your answer of what you want. Can you agree with that? That there is an influence? Im not saying its bad, right or wrong. I am saying it as a FACT. Do you agree that when you ask someone what they want, that how they FEEL will determine to an extent their answer?I understand that some people have greater ...

Day 24 Living Words

Living Words. Verb Noun. Living as a verb. Living Words. Living the word Determined. Living the word Touch. Living the word Paint. When you live a word, Nothing else exists. When living a word, the world fades away. Your past, your history, your future, yourself disappears. All that exists is you and the word. When you live a word, the only thing that exists is you and the word. When you live the word Determined, the only thing that exists is Determination. You Are Determination. When you Live the word Determination, you Are Determination. When you Live the word Touch, you Are Touch. When you live the word Paint, you Are Paint. Nothing else exists. Everything else fades away. You completely embody the word. You are the word. There is no thought. You can Feel Determination in your arms, legs, blood. You are it. You become Determination in that moment. You can Live words with something. You can live words through something. You can Live the w...

Day 23 Relationships and Love

So, I highly advise you read my latest blogs, and all the articles/material from Desteni. Because there it covers all the dimensions that I won't be covering in this blog. There are many problems with love and relationships. In this blog your mind will perceive it as me talking about the positive things of relationship the good. So let's talk about it. Even though this will sound GOOD, it is not good. It just is. It's truth. Only your mind perceives it as good. Okay. So relationships are natural, inevitable. Every relationship you have an opportunity to grow, to learn about yourself through another. You know those great relationships? Great people in your life? The ones you laugh with, smile with and enjoy? So those exist or existed or will exist. Remember that for a moment. One thing that is certain is the relationship will end. Because death is certain. Who are you when you no longer have the relationship. You are mourning, and sad. You are torn. Ever...

Day 22 I Remember

Remembering my life and who I have been. I have been many different persons. I once was a person very much in love and obsessed with one person. I remember all the love and pain I felt. I was in so much emotional pain. Remembering the emotional pain I felt, it feels like no physical pain would mean anything in comparison to that. This is my evidence that love is the real evil. I once had the relationship I wanted. I had lots of sex. I felt close, intimate. Then I found out the person was someone who was not committed to me. I realized that I made a mistake. I realize I needed to change. That is when I started Desteni. I was ready. I remember being like 7 years old and sad. I remember being happy in regular class, and when I moved to gifted class everything changed. the kids in regular class were friendly and sociable. The kids in gifted class were super serious and intimidating. It was like being in military school, or where everyone was a robot. I remember feeling just weird, ...

Day 21 Odyssey to Life When we embark on a new journey, we don't always know what is ahead of us. While our decision was crystal clear, our motivation strong - we can get distracted by the sceneries we pass, the seasons that change, the travelers we meet, the many cross roads we face. Voices from the past, telling us we are making a mistake, that we should give up and go back to what we've always known. We get caught up in the tests, trials, temptations and even good times along the path we walk. We may want to get off the road as soon as possible, or perhaps set up a tent and decide that where we've gotten is far enough. We may forget about our initial decision, as if it was in a past life, perhaps even a dream. In a way, we're all in our own Odyssey journey back home, to Life.   What moved you to start your process to birth yourself as Life from...

Day 20 Respect

You can only ask for the amount of respect from another, that is the same amount of respect you have for yourself. If you have low self respect, you will allow others to treat you like shit. If you have high self respect then you won't allow others to treat you like shit, where you will remove yourself from the environment and/or speak up. But for sure you won't just take it and feel like shit and just continue like that. You are responsible for your emotions and feelings.You are responsible for how you handle situations and other people. Are you striving for the best quality of life for yourself? Here quality of life refers to things like how people treat you, and the kind of people in your life. There are sayings that say you choose the people you hangout with. You choose your friends. This choice determines much about you. Equally so, you choose to whether to spend time with your family. You don't have to spend time with your family or anyone. So you have choice....