Day 736 Sacred Feminine

So this word Sacred Feminine is specific. I have a specific reference for that word. I know exactly what this word means to me. I have a reference on how to live this word. I have lived this word deeply in various moments of my life.

The sacred feminine, I am using it to refer to the Real Femininity that is an expression of all Life, that we can live here as humans. Its something deep, real and certain. It is something that can exist here and lived very clearly. It is an expression here as oneself, with and as one's body. It is a self-relation, it is a self-movement. It is an embodiment of self, that changes our perception of things and how we take things in.

The sacred feminine is not something lived widely by people. It is not widely found or widely seen. It is highly rare. Taking my life as proof to me, I see this to be the case. Yet I have seen the exception, the few who did live it for a moment.

I am interested in living the expression that I am referring to with these words. I am also interested in living the sacred masculine. I have more often lived the deep femininity so it should be easy for me to align with the feminine. What's interesting is that the sacred masculine sees more rare.

Masculinity has been warped into aggression, anger, competition. When in fact the sacred masculine is not that at all. I can also see it clearly as an image that I can see out in the world. I have a few references for the masculine. Its fewer than the feminine.

I can see how living both expression would radically change a person's expression. No more fear, no more anger, no more doubt, no more insecurity, just clarity and stability. creativity, and expression. Its interesting that neither real masculinity nor femininity exist readily in the world in the people.

Children actually live the real masculinity and femininity more so than adults, so there are some glimpses there and some reference there.

For such references of what these expressions mean, I do have to turn to something of an ideal, since the average person does turn into a reaction and doesn't really live these expressions of life when its really needed. I don't have a in flesh person who can be my example/reference. But I do have glimpses from people, from media, from a deep knowing within myself. What would be the ideal person, I have such a perspective of real masculinity and femininity. It is unbound from the idea of this humanity, of past, of our society. Its about what is best for the universe, for the life of everyone. Something beyond than what is here now among people.

I have a practice then, an assignment/homework to live this daily, regularly until it becomes normal/natural. To have that reference clear within me and live it.


  1. Great writing. Very clear. Awesome message. Thank you!


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