Day 730 Stop trying to control others
Controlling another's perception of me.
I choose to let go of controlling another's perception of me. I choose this even if they have the wrong perception of me, a judgment or a reaction. It is the responsibility of each one to walk their own process and direct themselves and their perceptions of others. Its not my responsibility to do that for them, and that even includes their perception of me. I choose to let go of trying to control others perception of me. I choose to not define myself or react to how others perceive me. I choose not to decide for others how they should view me. That is entirely up to them.
I am not here to walk other peoople's process. I can give suggestions, yes. I can show the tools and the process that can be walked. But its not my responsibility to walk it for them. The perception that each one has is entirely up to each one of them.
I realize that it doesn't reflect me what someone else is thinking of me, or what they think I am. If someone comes to me and reacts heavily and tells me all sorts of things about who I am, about what I am like, about my intentions.... I can just stand there and listen. I don't have to react and try to control what they are saying. Its not my responsibility to control their perception of me or even what they say. That is their responsibility. My responsibility is what I say and my perception. I am not the one that controls whether someone else reacts to me.
The idea of controlling another, that isn't part of any relationship of Life. The full potential of relationships among people is not controlling others. Living our fullest potential in relationship would require walking as equals within our own process, alone yet together. WE are not here to control others and decide their fate and force them to walk with and make that decision for them. That is not best for all or self-honest. Controlling another's perception of you or their decision, or their ability to direct themselves and say what they want, is not part of anyone's responsibility, except each one has to walk their process alone.
We each are equal in the eyes of Life, we all have to walk our own processes and we are not here to control others and decide their fate/future. We can show the tools and the way, but its up to each one. It always will be, that is the nature of Life and oneness and equality.
If you allow controlling others within you, then you allow controlling within you. You are allowing yourself to be controlled/directed in your reality. If you are looking for others to direct you and motivate you, then you are also looking to control and motivate others. Motivating others is another form of control.
You are allowing a relationship of your mind controlling you, if you are allowing yourself to be trying to control others in your life, in their perception of you. If you truly just STOP, you will find that you are more free/clear. You are stopping trying to control others, and you are stopping letting the mind control/direct you. You are TRULY making a statement/stand of not accepting and allowing CONTROLLING in any dimension in this reality. This is what I am doing here. No more controlling allowed. Control is not part of Life. I don't allow control to exist in any of my relationships, which includes the relationship with myself.
Control is outlawed, banned, removed. No more, finito. Sianara,
we are each here to walk our processes. We each only decide our own fate, no one elses. Stop trying to control others.
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