Day 731 Competition with men for women
Competing with men for the favor of women...
in other words competing with men for getting with a particular woman of interest. You know, relationshippy stuff. I am seeing a dimension of this. Seeing how I do smile subconsciously in hearing how a guy was having difficulty in his life. I smiled caused I saw him as a competitor for getting with a woman. I mean it seems very primal and very obvious like why it is and where its from.
So I can see how in my mind how the thoughts move to the line of thinking about paying attention to him and him getting in favor with some female. Like I know when I am paying close attention to something that this happening in front of me--- its like a heightened awareness and zoomed on focus on them... are they hitting it off? I can feel like others guys know what I am talking about, and women too... like in those moments your mind can't help to go to seeing or thinking whether there's a connection going on between two people, and how you may be feeling personally concerned, stressed.
Its very obvious.
Here's SF on the point
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel in competition with other men for women's attention or favor
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel like I need to compete with men for getting a relationship with a woman
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to smile slightly subconscioulsy when I hear my believed to be competitors, the men, having difficulty in their lives
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel stressed and concerned when hearing that a man is having a good time with a female and they are hitting it off and having a nice conversation
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow my mind to go into a line of thinking about a man and a woman and about them and how they are doing together, within thinking of them while within worry, while seeing it like a love movie, that they are going to get together, that it is going to work out well for them, and seeing as me being left out and having lost.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel like I lost to a man if he gets with an interesting woman.
When and as I see myself smiling slightly with seeing another man having difficulty- I stop and I breathe- I realize that we aren't in competition, he is not my enemy- I realize that we are two equal people- I realize that we are brothers of Life/existence- I realize that I do want this man to be well and have happiness, achievement and accomplishment in his life- I realize that I do want this best for this man- I realize that we are in this life/existence together
I commit myself to be supportive of the man
When and as I see myself thinking about a man and woman and how they are doing in terms of getting together or hitting it off- I stop and I breathe- I realize that I am in a line of thought that is part of my mind where I am concerned/worried within being focused on them two getting together being a loss for me, losing to this man, and a reflection of me- I realize that its not a reflection of me if a man and woman get together- I realize that it doesn't involve me whether two people, a man and a woman are hitting it off- I realize that i didn't lose, and that I am not in a competition to get with this woman- I realize that both this man and women are two people of life/existence, and I do want what is best for them - I realize that its best for everyone to live their lives, meet each other and naturally hit it off or not- I realize I am not in a competition with other men
I commit myself to be supportive of a relationship between two people, and be supportive of each individual person.
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