How to Work with the Mind, an Example

The human Mind Conscious System works in polarities of good and bad. You have good feelings and bad ones. No matter what you feel, it charges your thoughts: You feel angry so you think about how an idiot someone is, and you think about them in anger. Or someone makes you feel happy, and you think about how good they are to you. This is how thinking works, it responds to how you feel.

Its possible to stop the mind, and so stop the thinking and the feeling. Why do this? Because how much do you control your thoughts? Observe and see for yourself that they just move on their own. This is because your Mind manages your thoughts automatically, it creates them for you to hear and see. You don't directly create your thoughts, like on purpose. So your choice is either to participate or not to participate. Either let things happen or stop giving it attention.

It is through your awareness and attention that you empower your thoughts and emotions.

What is interesting about your mind is that it doesn't matter if you try to think only positive thoughts or only negative thoughts, because your mind uses both. And focusing on only the positive actually creates negative, because it works in polarity.

So instead of empowering the mind, bring your awareness and attention to the physical body and physical reality. Your body doesn't rely on what you think or feel. Your body doesn't get stronger based on what you think. It does get weaker the more you do think, whether its positive or negative thoughts, it is still attention in the mind.

To move at your strongest state, and work at your best pace, requires no thought, and no mind. Just pure physical movement. As the physical body you can do everything possible with interacting in this physical world and reality. You can talk, walk, build, bake, make, take, create, and help. No mind needed. Which means no positive thinking or feeling needed, or negative thinking or feeling needed. If someone hits your car, no need to think anything bad or get angry. If someone flirts with you, no need to feel positive with receiving attention. If someone insults you, no need to feel bad. No thought, no mind.

Going into your beliefs and ideas, everything can be questioned now, and the truth can be objective. Beliefs are not truth, they require faith. Truth is true, evidenced, trustworthy and reliable. How you feel, leads to what you think, and that leads to what you believe. End the mind, and you can free yourself from limiting ideas and beliefs on what is possible and the nature of your life and the future.


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