EXTRA: Anger as Justice Revisited

Anger as Justice is tricky because...

when you are in traffic and a car cuts you off you think to yourself what an asshole, or that they shouldn't be doing that!

I can list many more examples here...

someone throws their trash on the ground.

someone didn't clean their dishes.

someone left a mess.

someone talked about you behind your back.

someone took something from you without asking permission.

So pretty much in all above examples it is sociably ACCEPTABLE to become angry. According to society and invisible rules you are right to get angry. At desteni though we push further, we ask the question deeper, we don't just accept things just because. We want the answer that is best for all in all ways.

What does anger do here?

And perhaps more importantly what does anger feel like?

Have you considered that you feel good when you feel angry?

Don't you?

You feel empowered, strong, ready to go. The opposite of feeling weak.

So anger isn't a negative experience, so it can't be an emotion, then its a feeling! What's is weird is that we judge anger as BAD and NEGATIVE and we shouldn't feel this way. Though the basic truth is that feeling anger feels good for you to feel.

Whoever is angry as justice is doubly right. Perhaps it is the cases where we are "wronged" that we seek justice that we best see how we feel as anger because their is no self-judgement or suppression in this case. We really believe we deserve justice and are just to be angry.

I found that self-forgiveness works with anger as justice.

Whenever you have any thought of anger towards someone that "wronged" you or whatever,
you can say: I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel like someone wronged me.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel angry towards this person for cutting me in front of line.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel anger towards this person who won't clean their mess.

I realize anger is never okay.

What happens when you do self-forgiveness in such a consistent way with any anger, you become empty inside yourself, clear, like a vacant house.

You will then see the moment from a whole new perspective which is one without energy or anger as energy. You will see what is best for you, them, and so all.

As long as you accept the anger then you will always be biased in favor of feeling angry and acting on it. For assistance in working with anger, look at 4-count breathing, in order to get a sense of consistency and stability for observing how anger moves on its own and isn't best for all.


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