Day 1 No Mind, No Emotions, No Feelings

This phrase makes you seem crazy, no mind, no emotion, no feeling. When you say it seriously and someone hears you, they want to say how you need feelings, that you need Love. What about Love?

Before going there, first of all is it even possible to not have your mind? to not think? to not feel any emotion or feeling? Is it possible. Well, you may need to clarify what each thing means, but in a certain sense and definition, yes definitely.

So perhaps an example will best illustrate the usefullness of stopping the mind, thought, emotion and feeling. Note that Feeling refers to positive like happy, and emotions refer to negative like sad, anger fear. So the example is this. You read an article. During the article you feel various feelings and emotions. Now you need to form an opinion about what you think the article says. Now what normally happens is that a person forms their opinion informed by their emotions and feelings. So both the good and bad. What is interesting is that WORDING of the article can purposefully ELICIT and manipulate what you FEEL based on PATTERNS of human LANGUAGE and human BEHAVIOR. It comes down to a science, where people predictably will react in certain ways. This is why you see many news article have salacious, and click-baiting TITLES that make you want to click because it elicits an emotion or feeling out of you. So the same article and the same information can be presented in two different ways that will bring out two very different reactions out of you, and so two very different opinions.

This is all dandy, however what if you are someone who stops what they feel in the moment? Whether positive or negative. Such a person without a reactive mind, can READ the article, and any version of it, filled with WORDS that are designed to bring out reactions within you, and see what information the article actually shares. So true objectivity. This is a technique not really taught in schools. Because its a "state of mind" sort of. Or it relates to Who you Are, or something like Self-awareness or Self-control. None of these topics are really covered in classes. At best we get snippets of this in class, but not really on purpose with the intent of creating people that are objective, and can read articles without reacting with any emotions or feelings. More often then not, we tend to celebrate, and bring out our reactions within each others, and say that is our personality, who we are, and it is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately that is part of the lie and part of the problem. The basic truth is that we are like organic robots that operate in dimensions of polarities of good and bad, that is attached as definitions and words to everything in this reality, forming opinions and beliefs just because we can. We are not acting out of practicality, utility or what is BEST! We are creating a mosaic of creativity that is in reality just crap. Because what is the use of all these colors, all these opinions, beliefs, personalities and ideas if NONE of it serves LIFE, serves EVERYONE, serves YOU. Is everything within you really best for you, and it doesn't harm or limit YOU or OTHERS??? Really? You sure? Because if you are not 110% sure, without a shadow of a doubt that everything within you is best than you can't really say that? And NO I'm not talking about FAKE-ASS confidence that is feeling. I'm talking about whether you did spend the TIME to check yourself thoroughly, through all your memories, history, the depth of you mind, thoughts, beliefs and personality.

So none of what I said here today means anything unless the Human can change their Mind, their Self, and so simply stop a thought, emotion or feeling as it arises within them. The basic answer is you can do it. Learning how to do it, practicing it, getting good at it, is where the work comes in. Also understanding what a thought even is, an emotion or feeling is. That's where you start. Then you can do some pretty amazing things already. Imagine being able to do something you found scary or very boring, and not feel that way at all! Imagine being able to do that and even find a way to have fun! But not the same kind of fun you know of as a feeling, but a fun that involves your body, your physicality, your awareness which directs and creates fun as an expression of you in the moment.

This is the future and Destiny of Humanity. This would be evolution. But not some magical evolution that is out of your control. It is here, real, and done through your hands, through your blood, sweat and tears. The hard work that must be done in order to reap delicious fruits and veggies, haha!

The Mind is the next great Frontier! Don't miss out on it! 

Next time I can talk about Love!


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