Day 3 Infinite Possibiliites

Something interesting about the Mind is that when you are in it, you don't see possibility. You don't see potential. You don't see future play outs. You resist anyone telling you that a world of oneness and equality is possible. You resist hearing that everyone can be taken care of. You resist the so called "impossible," which calling it that is an act of resistance itself

This world has infinite possibilities. So simple to say, a much different story to actually see it, be it, and bring a new reality forth through yourself. When stepping out of the mind you are stepping out of the past imprisoned by your lust to have a story, a personality, a Me that is defined by the information you carry around on your back that is your Name and Image that you keep of yourself in your head. Such an image of yourself, you consider real and worth defending with blood and violence. Your emotions are the substance that you claim substantiate your right to attack others in the name of defending yourself.

Can you see the possibility of the words I speak? If so, then you are not so completely in your mind. The degree to which you can see into how you can change and be something different that is better for yourself and others, reflects the work you have put into seeing, into releasing the memories as information that you carry on your back. Such weight and burden is it that you back becomes hunched over. Letting that go enables you to stand well and firm.

The more you see, the more you become aware of, the more compelled you are to do something about it. You see your own responsibility. You see your own power. You see your own potential.

From Seeing, to Being. Taking that step to become your vision is a test of courage, a test of self. To utter words of self-forgiveness that releases yourself from a thought or belief you held dearly, from an emotion you clutched with all your might, to a feeling you felt was more pure and truer than anything in this reality, shows to yourself that what you believed to be true about what you thought you were, about what you thought was your truest experience, that what you thought you are, was misleading and unfounded. You are not a piece of information to be contained and held within something you feel and think. Your body is not an idea. Your body isn't a feeling. The limitation comes from our unwillingness to align with what is Real, True, and Reliable, which is the body, this physical reality, and understanding how they operate.

As long as we don't put in the time and effort to work with physical reality, and create with it, nothing can flourish. Bringing forth a new possibility, a new self, a new reality, takes work. It takes working with fundamental rules of existence. It takes sacrifice as letting go of everything false, everything that limits you from seeing you can create something new and different. You can only create a new future for yourself, so long as you see a new future is possible. Being closed of, and thinking that you are limited from changing, incapable of it, you fulfill your own image of you.

You cannot see a new reality is possible for everyone if you cannot see the possibility for a new you. The Pessimism, the Darkness, the Shadow of doubt, and despair, is you refusing to see the light that is you, like a light bulb of possibility. Your vision, your awareness is not what is limited, it is You, the one wielding, refusing to shine the flashlight in the 180 degree direction, revealing all that can happen. 

A new reality becomes possible once a new self can be seen as possible. A step further, when you establish a new self, a new reality has already come to pass.


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