Day 8 Love for ALL? or all for Love?

So today I had went through a similar experience as yesterday. Yesterday I posted an audio recording describing how yesterday I had identified depression as an emotion I felt. Today I identified Love as a feeling. I'm going to describe in detail tomorrow what I learned from this feeling. Today I'm going to give a bit of an introduction on why feelings must also be stopped. I understand how feelings, like Love are defended in this reality to the utmost degree. So I understand that it isn't so clear or obvious why I am doing what I am doing with emotions and feelings, equally.

The way I like to look at it that makes most sense, is how the most truest form or act of love that could exist would be something like the Equal Money system, or someone who is looking to make sure that everyone is taken care of physically, in all aspects, facets and regard of being alive and having physical needs. True love would be working on ending starvation completely. Love in the form of feeling good with your friends and family pales in comparison to Love as the Dedication, Commitment, and action to bring about a better life for many people who are in physical suffering right now, at no fault of their own. It is clear that these two things are not the same at all.

What is interesting is that often what stops us from dedicating our lives, and committing them to changing the world, is things that feel good and comfortable. Things like love as a FEELING. So another way to put to words what I'm doing, is that I'm removing all the obstacles and barriers to me doing/living love for real, which includes love as a feeling.

For some people this may not be enough to hear, which is also understandable. In addition, it is possible to live expression as yourself, joy and fun as yourself, where you do move with your body and have fun with it. All of this not requiring feelings as energy as we know it. So there is room for that. This does exist, though really knowing what I'm talking about or really living it is much different than what people currently live as. Because currently we interchange emotions and feelings with each other, where we at one moment feel good and happy, and the next we feel angry and vengeful. The reason why this happens is because Energy is interchangeable between emotions and feelings. Expressions don't work this way. But our emotions and feelings do, because they are not lived through self-direction, they are reactions that are part of system built on energy.

From where I am standing right now, it is difficult to live what I'm talking about if you are having a desire to feel good, while ignoring the lives of the many that exist on Earth. I draw strength and connection with My self through my stand with everyone and with existence. So just being alone and just seeking to feel good, feels weak, and unable to stand. The same with Love. If Love is standing with and by everyone equally, it is strong and real. If you are living love as just what feels good for you and a few friends or lovers, then it is weak, yet addictive, and intoxicating, which makes sense because you are weak. What is interesting to observe is that addiction is only possible if you are weak, and inferior already. And the intoxicating element about Love also can only exist if you stand in inferiority and weakness to the object you are calling your Love. Whereas Love standing with and by everyone makes you strong and you are stable within that. So there's a stark difference.


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