Day 863 Self-expressions

 Love as self-expression.

The way that love has become tainted is that its not lived as self-expression. Its lived as an experience you feel based on what others give you. Self-expression is a decision and it is with your will. And Love would be self-less, meaning you are helping others. So as a self-expression love would be a sacrifice, or performing a duty. It would be doing something that is not really giving you anything directly, but you know is helping many others. And what would be ultimate love would be complete love by including everyone. So including all that exists within your actions, decisions and commitment would mean making sure it is to the benefit of all, and so is what is best for all. 

One way to look at is is how one could say they love puppies, in such a way to say how much they enjoy it, but also say they want to support puppies, by say working in a shelter for example. So the doing and the action is what is important, not simply reaping the benefits without actually aiding or helping in some way. Too often we define emotions and feelings like love as part of our personality, for example to say that I love puppies is part of my identity. Like I love puppies! And to feel offended if my claim is denied, because I identified that as part of my personality. 

It is certainly much better to drop your personality or idea that who you are is fixed. Instead see yourself as fluid and based on your actions day to day. We also have to conquer the ability to be honest of who we are, without also going into self-judgment. And all of this is aided by us aligning with our bodies and stepping out of the space of the mind. And this is in turn lived by us taking physical actions to do so. If you feel stuck in some way then use physical actions. Do something, whatever it is. Show yourself you are not moved based on the mind or what you feel, that you can move your body yourself. That is already self-expression or the beginning of it. 

Try it.


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