Day 855 Live Again
What's the point of life?
Why do people escape life?
...think of suicide?
...lose themselves in addictions?
...stop caring about others? can some people be so lost and brainwashed?
I think the answer is that as long as you are not in the whole truth, that you are lost. So people who look like they are so lost, are just the extreme end of a point that is the same for many others that don't look so extreme, but are also equally lost.
One of the greatest illusions is the fight between good and evil. And part of what keeps people in their lostness is having a lost cause: which always places them as good and as others as evil. That is not the Truth. Does good exist? Are you Good? Is your cause good? Are they bad/evil? Is that True? No it isn't, and that is why you are lost. You are not in the Whole Truth.
Truth is one of the most important things. In a world without truths, where everyone lies, it would be chaotic. It's commonsense that having the clear picture of the facts of what is happening is what you need if you are going to direct a situation to its best outcome, and avoid a horrible outcome.
No one is good or bad. You are either just programmed to be a certain way, or you are self-aware enough to step out of your programming. Either way, no one IS decidedly or in any way good or bad. It is not something you are, it is something you do. And even then it is about how what you do affects physical reality, which is measurable, and even then it is about the collective/all of us/everything.
The more you give, the more you receive. This is a basic phrase, that needs more detail. The more you help others grow and expand, you will receive the benefit of a better world, a better people, more friends, and you will have a satisfaction as well as a sense of pride of who you are. So be a part of this world. Be a part of life. Be a part of the lives of other people. Contribute to the world, to all of us, as well as receive in due time.
People are lost because they are outside of the Truth, which means they are outside of themselves. To live in the Truth is to live with themselves again. Oddly enough, its a phrase of being able to live With yourself, so live a life that is worth living because you are living within the Truth that all is one and equal, and thus your actions reflect that in what you give to others/all, and what you do!
So let's look at Life as a verb and revisit those questions. Transformed it would be:
What's the point of living?
Why do people escape living?
The answer is clear: what you are living isn't good for you and others, it is not best for all. You are not proud of your living. It doesn't contribute. So live again.
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