Day 857 When you Forgive another, you are actually forgiving yourself
When you Forgive another, you are actually forgiving yourself. Have a look: if you are truly forgiving another, then you are actually forgiving yourself for being angry at them, for blaming them, or judging them or something else you are doing. Once you do the self-forgiveness and take self-responsibility then you are clear regarding the other person. So pay attention to self-forgiveness and make sure you have walked it effectively. Before you make any decision, make sure you have properly and thoroughly walked self-forgiveness in the moment for everything within you. If you have some self-interest or some mind possession left within you, then it will influence and determine your decision.
We are responsible for the world. We created it. So we are responsible for other people and the points that are in them. So we do have the responsibility to forgive ourselves for any blame or judgement towards others for anything they may do. Because if you don't, you are creating the consequence of keeping them trapped. By forgiving, you are able to change the outcome where you can stand in support of them changing, which is more so if there is an agreement that what is best for all is what is best for all, that we stand by all as one and equal, that all are equals. You have to get real and ask yourself, are you going to be the solution to the problems of the world or not? You have the power.
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