Day 860 Mental Stimulation versus Physical Stimulation
I am back from my job again. Yesterday I wrote about my reflections from my reactions to my job/work. Today I was also focusing on stress again, and I was more successful in stopping the stress. At the end of the blog yesterday I finished with saying how I was breathing to stop positive energy. So I had trouble ending positive energy. I tried searching Bernards blog on topic keywords of positivity, and I found some useful points. One point is how the more negative you are then the more susceptible you are to positive energy. So I concluded that the high amount of positive high I felt was due to the collective stress I felt as negative energy during yesterday. So it was concluded that it was already done, so it was a outflow consequence.
Another point in one of his blogs was about stimulation and how everything works on stimulation. Both the Physical world and the Mind operates on principle of stimulation. You can stimulate animals, plants, the body, and also the mind. So I applied this principle today in looking at where I am being stimulated as the mind to produce energy. And I observe how things in my environment I was taking as mental stimulation. And what I tried to do was to purposefully stimulate myself physically. And the one thing I did was breathing. I stimulated myself, my body, my lungs through breathing. And in doing so I was actually causing an effect. that effect was specific to how I was breathing, and so how I was stimulating the body. So the effect was letting go of stress, and of mental stimulations. The stimulations that occur with the mind occur through thought. There are only certain things that can or be mental stimulation. Observe, you can classify clearly what is mental stimulation and what is physical stimulation, and so you can see what is mind and what is physical. And everything mind is not needed, and is unreal.
If you bump your toe, that is real, its physical. If someone yells at you, the sound of it is real and physical, but your mental stimulation is not real. If you breath and physically bring that oxygen in your lungs, you are stimulating yourself physically to stop your reactions, you are calming down. So me working and seeing these happen, that is real and physical, but my stress and also my highs is not physical. There is nothing physically stimulating me to have stress or to have a high. It is my thinking, my mental stimulations. So its cool to stimulation yourself physically to produce a specific result that is supportive. So massaging yourself. Breathing, stretching, this all stimulates your body for a specific result.
If you look at sex, physical stimulation versus mental stimulation, it is very clear. I am saying to stop mental stimulations. You don't need it. And it is a trap, and inferior to the physical. And if you are trapped in a mental stimulation, try stimulating yourself physically. That is what I will try and test for myself
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