Day 854 End War, End Starvation, End Poverty, End Murder, End Rape

 Being still and quiet is quite an interesting expression, because if you do so, then whatever is moving in the mind becomes apparent, and chances are you won't be able to be still or quiet. And not being able to accept someone else being still or quiet is a sign of your own mind possession. Imagine a person actually feeling angry at someone for being quiet, calm, collected. That is quite crazy. Yet it happens often enough among people. 

 Partially there is a bias that men shouldn't be quiet or calm as if that would make them feminine which is judged as wrong for me to be. So as a guy I have definitely been in that situation where someone is simply angry at me for being calm, quiet and non-reactive. It is a very interesting moment when someone is deliberately trying to get a rise out of you. It really becomes problematic once another person tries to get you injured, or hurt physically like accidentally. And I know its their intent on a intuitive level, which I can even see their smile that they can't hold back. And its not something that is rare, its actually quite common among us people everywhere. We aren't naturally or inherently kind or nice. We are quite vicious.

But at the same time none of this is set in stone. This vision that humanity is peaceful, is kind, yet strong, is possible, and is real as a vision of what can be. For those of us who see this vision, we are part of the beginning. There are ways to stand and fight without violence, without adding fuel to the fire. There are ways to push for freedom of man from the chains of consciousness. But we have to be smart about it, and dedicated. And even more so willing to sacrifice for it. 

A person could write for eternity about the woes of the problems of humanity. But what if we fight for eternity? What if we push for the realization in humanity? We can make the vision come true.  

The sooner we accept that we will die anyway then we can let go of everything we are holding onto that we think we can even possess. We don't take anything with us when we die. So make this world best for everyone. End War, End Starvation, End Poverty, End Murder, End Rape. 

If we do nothing and say nothing, I guarantee you, nothing will change. By speaking and doing something, then it has a chance of changing things. We can't win if we don't fight


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