
Day 946 Abusive Parents Exist in the World

 I was reading Reddit. Its a useful site to read on things. Things happening in the world, things about people's experiences etc... And of these posts prompted me to explore deeper that topic in this moment of self-reflection.   Its about how some parents tell their children how feeding them deserves gratitude. And as I read some of those comments, I remember some of the things I have seen and heard from people. Some parents/families, are those that accidentally got pregnant and had no choice but to have kids. Maybe its due to their abortion laws, or religious beliefs. But essentially they regretted having kids. You can see news articles of parents abandoning their kids to die, and being sentenced to jail for that.  Growing up, I had the naive belief that parents should care for their kids. The reality is that some people don't follow principles, they are completely selfish and follow various programming. And

Day 945 Presidential Election

So based on what I have seen so far on the U.S. Presidential election, Kamala Harris is obviously better than Trump. A potato is better than Trump. What is most interesting to me is Kamala and the future she will bring. Based on her astrology, she will help bring in healing. She actually reminds me alot of my dad's wife, my stepmom. She also worked for the government an in a law enforcement type position, and there is a similar aura of being very trustworthy, following what is best for people, and helping others. A true service person. When I read people, I do it with like a sense of who someone is. Its similar to how when I am dreaming and I know it is someone I know, even though they look nothing like the person, I know its them. And so those qualities of a person I can pick up on them.  I am reminded of a moments where I have gone into conspiracy theories, before encountering Desteni. So I am empathize with people who engage in conspiracy theories. I do find is strange though th

Day 944 Your worth

 What is the most important thing in Life? Is it money? Is it your skills? Is it your health? Is it your body? Is it your relationships? Is it the people in your life? Is it your hopes, your dreams? Is it your purpose, why you are here on Earth? Words define us. The word we speak, are us. We are literally creating ourselves and recreating ourselves with the words we speak and have spoken. We are living words. And we are living-words.  You can see when someone speaks, including yourself, whether they are speaking garbage. Whether they are speaking harm and violence, hate and revenge. You can see when someone is creating with their words, healing, support, honesty. You're ability to see is something you have to accept. The responsibility that comes with awareness doesn't have to be scary. I know how scary it can feel because that means you do see and are responsible. You may run away and try to live a "normal" life. Yet may I remind you that countless people have lived

Day 943 Refresher of the basics Part 1

I am going to be writing out some fundamentals when it comes to process.  What is process? We refer to the journey/time it will take to change/develop/become someone who stands within the principle of what is best for all as one and as equal. What is this principle? The best way to look at this principle is to look at reality, the physical reality in its entirety. You can start with your room, and where you are now. You are in a physical space, and you know everywhere on this planet is a physical place. Everything is equal in the fact that exists, and is temporary. Part of the inequality is the desire to live forever. You can see that playing out with some people. You can see some inequality in those that profess that this reality is created by God to serve them.  As for equality, you can see it in those who see the animals as the same spirit as us, and that when we consume their flesh they become one with us, and we honor their life. And thus we must strive to protect the ecosystem, t

Day 942 Angels and Demons

 I have been working on the Positive/Negative Energies, surrounding Optimism and rose colored glasses. I suspect the following: that my lazy eye is due to the preprogramming of viewing the world and everything through extreme optimism and hope, as they say viewing the world through rose colored glasses. I used an astrology website to see the levels of preprogramming that exists within me. This lead me to the term of rose colored glasses, as it had indicated that as a weakness. And when I looked at my entire life, I indeed have viewed the world that way.  In my teenage years, I would delve into memories like a drug, and I would delve into Love as a drug. The first time I ever saw porn was around 13 years old. And when I looked at the kind of dreams I had as a child, I was preprogrammed to chase love. When I looked at my previous post on Love, it ties with sex is true. It drives the birthing of children. All done within a possessed state. All done within the M

Day 941 Real Love

 From my drafts in 2023: Im looking at what Love consists of. It is powerful because it can get a man or a woman to have sex, to propose marriage, to conceive a child. It has thus a possessive quality. It is addictive, you always want more until you're fulfilled for a while, then it weakens in strength, causing you to find a new source of love. There is no choice regarding love. The quality of being powerless defines it. If your love leaves, you have no power to make him/her stay.  Given you don't have a choice regarding love, this spoils love. Because you can have a great person, yet you don't love them? Love then doesn't give an indication of how much you care for a person or how grateful you are for them.  I would like to write about real love now. Real love is not something you feel to feel good about yourself. You feel the connection and responsibility to all things. You know that all is you. The matter is you. The material, the physical, on all levels. The atoms.

Testing dictation.

I am writing this blog with dictation. I’m gonna see how it goes and I want to see how effective it is. Oneness and equality. Oneness and equality, oneness and equality. Oneness and equality, oneness and equality. What does oneness and equality mean? Oneness and equality is the fundamental principle of the universe. It is saying that you are me and I am you. We are one, and we are equal. All the life that exists is life. It is equally life no matter what form of life it is. Under the fact that it exists it is part of life. What is really interesting is that the philosopher Descartes his quote had been misused. “I think therefore I am.” he originally wrote that as part of the argument that I exist, not to emphasize the mind. And existence is the fundamental point that defines life and defines oneness and equality. Existence covers everything by definition. All that exists, exists. And the word life refers to how all is made of the materials of existence and the materials of existence, i


 It is a part of life to hurt others.  A programmed statement inside of me is that I don't want to hurt anyone. That I will avoid actions that involve hurting others, including emotionally. One of things I avoid is rejecting others. I can't stand the thought of rejecting someone.  That's one of the reasons why I avoid dating. Because I can't stand the idea of someone falling for me, and me rejecting them, hurting them. I would feel guilty. I hate rejection. I hate pain. I hate suffering. But all of that is part of life. Including me inflicting that on others and others inflicting that on me. so there's no need to hide and try to stop it from happening.  Thats also one of the reasons I have been quiet. Because I have hurt others with my words, and it was words they needed to hear but I hated myself for hurting them, even if it was what was best for them.  Pain is a part of life. And the truth hurts sometimes. To help another, you may need to tell them the hurtful tru

Day 940 The nuance of speaking publicly on personal matters

 someone was asking about the nuance of when you discuss something that involves other people in a public way. I would say that every word you speak is an act of creation. so you must be completely specific in everything you express and thus be taking responsibility for everything involved in that including the outflows and consequence. If you were lacking in specificity then that is your responsibility. We are all creators all the time. Whether we embrace that responsibility or not, it occurs regardless. Our very existence has an impact. And even when you die you continue to have an impact.  You can never escape the responsibility that comes with existing. You either own up to it or you don't. There is no in between. Do or do not.  You can always take a moment to reflect and choose what you will express. You look at why you are expressing something or not. Is it for yourself? Is it for others? What are you going through inside yourself. Your starting point determines what you are

Day 939 We Deserve the Truth

 Had an inspiration, and I'm going to write about it before I forget.  What I went through during the times I voiced my love for someone and they reciprocated, and they returned my love. The young years of life, where everything felt optimistic, where all people are good and kind, and that we all want to love. How someone who loves you can, can unexpectedly turn into a monster. Things that I had to watch for then, and prepare. Someone freaking out, what you simply saying hi to them now. Now they completely ignore you, when before they supposedly love you. Well obviously that could not have been love, real love. It was instead a feeling of Euphoria. Love, real love, would exist outside the ideas of the mind, or the beliefs, or the feelings. It is something you see and understand in how the value of life of each person, of all beings, of all sized, shapes and form, equally exist in, and deserve care, recognition, respect, and attention. You see it through action, through your being,

Day 938 Mind Consciousness System Part 1

 I remember something that someone said to me. When I spoke to them about growing up like shy and quiet, and how she responded well of course since people are fucked up in the head for the most part. And how I saw that, initially I was unsure of what she said, yet partially knew it was completely true.  When I look at the dynamic of introverts and extroverts, I see the possibility that introverts need time away from people because we are aware of how fucked up people are in their minds and we dont want to participate in the bullying of others, and making others feel inferior. Meaning that if all people everywhere were to be cool in the head, refined, aligned with life, completely healthy and sane, then there would be no such thing as introverts. That anyone you could approach would be amazing, kind, and fun and exciting to be around. Thus there would be no burden to bear with their mind. So this is a possibility I considered today. So practically for the time being, introverts and extr

Day 937 The L word

 I had taken in 2 cats in their early stage of life, 1 year ago. During this time I was able to witness how they act during heat. In heat the act becomes possessed. In heat means their sexual programming is activated. Their personality becomes taken over. The body become possessed. They lose themselves essentially. I did have them fix shortly after, for those worried about that. Now, this behavior is the same with humans. Except we are not aware of to what extent it exists. Its easier watching others go through it, to tell that something happened.  Looking at my case, One thing specifically I went through is falling in Love. What does that mean exactly? Comparing this to a simple desire for sex, which many men and women have, where they act on it, find someone at a party, sleep with them and leave feeling fulfilled. What I am discussing is different than that. Falling in Love, is where I become mentally obsessed with someone. Thinking about them, imagining conversations with them, need

Day 936 Recreate the world

In the transformation of the world, we will be taking on all points of society, and how everything functions everywhere. How animals are treated everywhere, in nature and on farms. How people are treated everywhere, in every country, in every home, at every age. The support all people will have access to at every age. Ensuring that all is cared for, all have everything they need, and all grow each day in ever expanding understanding and awareness of themselves and all that exists.  Because you can't have a sustainable society if its citizens cannot receive the support and understanding that the support from their lives comes from others giving them support. And so they themselves must continue the gift of life by giving in turn.   Today is September 25, 2022. And in Iran, about a week ago a young woman was murdered by religious zealot officers of a religious sect of government. Men who are brainwashed from birth to believe that evil resides in those who break the laws of their god,

Day 935 I am Life

 Who am I? I am life. I am all as one and equal.  This is the truth of all of us. It is a truth you must live for yourself, just like I do. There is so much in this world that will tell you that you are not Life, that you are not equal, that you are not responsible, that you are incapable of living this way, that you don't know what you are doing, that you aren't the one.  To that, all you have to say is I am life. It is not an argument you can win, except by ending the argument by simply saying I am life. You as life will inspire those who will listen to do the same. And you will equally be the target for others to blame. That is the nature of things. You never ever really convince anyone of anything, that they weren't already ready to hear/agree with. But you can show others things that they otherwise wouldn't get the chance to see. So you are free of the burden of deciding their fate, lol, its in their hands in the degree that it is.  Living this way speaking this wa

Day 934 Darkness within

 I remember a blog i wrote like about 3 years ago. It was about how life is pain. Or how much pain there is in being alive. And its true that even moving around and in physically doing things, there is pain. And something I remember about how those who never had to suffer much in life won't be able to make it in process. Since this process of becoming life in the physical involves facing so much in the mind and in reality, well the entirety of the mind and reality. To face all of that is tough.  So what I am seeing now is that I need to embrace the darkness, the pain, the brutality of the mind. To allow myself to feel it and remain here. Because I see myself as not having that difficult or painful life. I wasn't abused. I was treated fairly kind and nice by most people. And I was sensitive to the slightest disturbance. And I can see that others had a more difficult life experience.  But just because I didn't go through that, and got tough from it, doesn't mean I cant do

Day 933 Words define you

 So something that psychics can't see. Psychics gain their ability through a preprogramming. But that ability stops there. Intuition however, and being able to read into reality is an entirely different ability. Nay, its not an ability its a natural part of living, like breathing. It comes naturally to all who embark on the journey of self-awareness. Cause knowing self means knowing reality.  As you know yourself, through writing, and exploration, you see how you function. And that level of seeing develops. Its sight pierces through reality, just as clear and as easy as normally look at anything. It comes with intuition and common sense, portrayed as knowledge. Commonsense like doing what is best for all is best for all.  Psychics can walk self-awareness, its not mutually exclusive. I would assume, it would be more difficult, in various ways, but one in particular is giving up the power and the specialness, since if everyone can see into reality, and vision is available to all, com

Day 932 Hero

 Saving a lizard is obviously a best for all thing. But the mind tries to take such a simple act as getting a glass cup, coaxing him in there, taking him out, the end, and make it into a way to divide, and assert itself.  It makes it about morality, about taking lives, killing, saving them, being a hero, what is right or wrong, suffering, mercy. Happiness, fear, suffering.  Its a yelp of a lady, a crying in sadness, complaining, despair, anger. Making into a drama, something to stir the voices, stir the fights, disturb reality, the waters of self.  When all you need is silence, and no other voice but your own. Doing, living and acting. Rationalizing things into thoughts, the mind makes its move: its because we are the same, we both suffer. Its doing what is right, the right thing. Being a hero. Feeling good about myself. Playing the devil, by making it a disappointment when he die, sad, guilty, it all my fault its dead. Finding a way to hijack the situation to sour self, and one's

Day 931 Death awaits us all

 The Destiny for every life form is to stand as all as one and as equal. We are each other. None is greater or less than any other. Consciousness is what keeps us in separation, the constant barrage of stories, memories, programming, history carried and created constantly. With consciousness being halted, its clear that all is one and equal. If you take a breath, you can choose to stop your mind for a moment, and you can see this reality, this power that you have, and therefore responsibility to act. Our expectations, our hopes, our dreams, are desires, don't belong to us, they come from somewhere else. If you can stop them in a moment, it means they aren't fixed. They aren't a holy sign that comes from some holy place inside of you representing your truest self. They are mental experiences, like a drug or movie, animated with a voice and images.  Life isn't so limited to be defined from another source other than itself. Life is here, always, able to create always, and

Day 930 rule breaker

 Breaking the rules. I am not much of a rule breaker naturally. But to change one's program is to break the rule that one has followed. Without the ability to break rules, following a rule is simply being stuck. Its not a real commitment to follow that rule. Part of the rules I want to break: we need radical change in the system. Those who abuse and cause violence, those that bully, that verbally abuse and attack, those that cause a nuissance, and harrass others, should be dealt with in a manner that ends their abuse. Be it jail, or a fine, or a warning. Whatever it is, escalation of punishment is completely fine, until they get the message. I am not talking about our current broken justice system, I am saying what needs to be done and carried out by us as a collective, as our responsibility.  Justice should be about reform and correction. As well as not allowing abuse. We cannot allow abuse to occur, period. No matter what it takes to end the abuse.  Money is the greatest vehicle

Day 929 Good Person

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want to be seen as a good person. As a good person for walking process. As a good person for how I write myself and present myself As a good person for following the rules and principles As a good person for the sacrifices I make, and how I conform. Doing everything that is supposed to be done. Pushing for self change so that I can be seen as a good person by others. Feeling afraid of letting others down, or getting their anger or disappointment, for it is their eyes where I want to be seen as a good person.  Getting upset and angry when they get angry at me for being a good person. The opposite of what I wanted. Feeling tired and saying whats the point, I made these changes and now they are changing.  I give up, on trying.  A good person is the problem. I would need to be a hardass at times. To tell people off, to tell them they are wrong, they are having issues and problems, they are being abusive. And that doesn't fall in li