Day 946 Abusive Parents Exist in the World

 I was reading Reddit. Its a useful site to read on things. Things happening in the world, things about people's experiences etc... And of these posts prompted me to explore deeper that topic in this moment of self-reflection. 

Its about how some parents tell their children how feeding them deserves gratitude. And as I read some of those comments, I remember some of the things I have seen and heard from people. Some parents/families, are those that accidentally got pregnant and had no choice but to have kids. Maybe its due to their abortion laws, or religious beliefs. But essentially they regretted having kids. You can see news articles of parents abandoning their kids to die, and being sentenced to jail for that. 

Growing up, I had the naive belief that parents should care for their kids. The reality is that some people don't follow principles, they are completely selfish and follow various programming. And perhaps a deeper truth to that, is that people who are principled maybe are just preprogrammed to be that way as well. Meaning there that there is no inherent goodness in people. There is just programming, or the accomplishment of becoming aware of the programming and doing something about it. 

So I have seen/heard of cases where parents kick their kids out, even calling the police to escort them out of the house, as soon as they are of age, 16 years old. No help or support whatsoever. I expect this is a very much American, USA programming, as other cultures are more familial based, and nurturing, where several generations live together in the same home even. Bernard once said USA is the largest prison, the complete opposite of what it presents itself as: Most Free. In my view, USA has such a high cost of living, and gives the least support for people. And this is exactly what these parents do, refuse to give any support for their children. 

I see these points as connected, a culture of working, of being a consumer, of being selfish, of exploitation, of pride. Part of this I think comes from the time of great wealth in USA in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. With so much wealth, and a strong advertisement campaign and schooling campaign to make people be consumers and dumb. 

I do see signs of these things changing however. Especially due to the influx of immigrants, and different views. And people genuinely trying to be better. This includes these children who are abandoned, recognizing how fucked up their parents are, choosing not to talk to them, and raising their own families, thus breaking the cycle of trauma. 

I once met a Puerto Rican lady, who dreamed of opening up an orphanage, to help abandoned children. I thought that this was a great person, and I had dreamed for a moment to be able to help her make this happen. She ended up getting married and pursued other passions. That was a dream of her childhood. I wouldn't mind living such a life, because there are many children who need support. 

Someone else I know had a dream of running an animal sanctuary. So I see many people willing to do good in this world. This is one of the reasons why UBI, or Equal money is great, is the idea that young people will be supported regardless of the condition of their family. So they have all their needs met regardless of their parents. Out of all the age groups, the youngest should be prioritized. Any good Elders would know to do just that.

So if their is a lesson to take from this, is that people's goodness is not given. People can be evil as shit, and they can be great. So at the moment some parents are evil, and some are great. Try to help those who are suffering. And find ways to make it guaranteed that no child suffers. That can include license to become a parent, preventing people to procreate if they aren't ready. I don't agree with using sending to jail or fines as a way to make things better, because rich people will just take a fine, and jail doesn't teach anyone anything, at least in USA. That is why PREVENTION is the best way. Prevent people from having kids if they aren't ready. They must take a basic course on parenting, financial planning for raising kids, proven understanding of the basics of caring for kids. If they can't do that or aren't willing then you save a life from abuse.


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