Testing dictation.

I am writing this blog with dictation. I’m gonna see how it goes and I want to see how effective it is. Oneness and equality. Oneness and equality, oneness and equality. Oneness and equality, oneness and equality. What does oneness and equality mean? Oneness and equality is the fundamental principle of the universe. It is saying that you are me and I am you. We are one, and we are equal. All the life that exists is life. It is equally life no matter what form of life it is. Under the fact that it exists it is part of life. What is really interesting is that the philosopher Descartes his quote had been misused. “I think therefore I am.” he originally wrote that as part of the argument that I exist, not to emphasize the mind. And existence is the fundamental point that defines life and defines oneness and equality. Existence covers everything by definition. All that exists, exists. And the word life refers to how all is made of the materials of existence and the materials of existence, individually have their own life that they’re living. If you look at an atom, you can see the forces that are in play. You can see a different qualities and interactions they have with other atoms and other parts of existence. You can look at the microscopic realm, which refers to that which you can see with a microscope. You can see cells of plants and animal cells, human cells, bacteria, viruses, all existing, and away in their own world but of course they are part of this world, and even make up this world. now we consider the human layer of reality how humans fight because of the religious programming they were given as children, being told that you are a Christian you are Jewish you are a Muslim, whatever other religions that exists out of the hundreds. And what is interesting is that humans have choice and they have chosen to accept and allow the programming or sometimes they don’t choose to accept and allow it. Who do you think is more free?

The programming exists in all levels. Everything that you can think of, and imagine can be programming, for it is only limited by what the mind can perceive and describe through words, and create experiences, based off of feelings and emotions to define what we perceive and sense.


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