Day 937 The L word

 I had taken in 2 cats in their early stage of life, 1 year ago. During this time I was able to witness how they act during heat. In heat the act becomes possessed. In heat means their sexual programming is activated. Their personality becomes taken over. The body become possessed. They lose themselves essentially. I did have them fix shortly after, for those worried about that.

Now, this behavior is the same with humans. Except we are not aware of to what extent it exists. Its easier watching others go through it, to tell that something happened. 

Looking at my case, One thing specifically I went through is falling in Love. What does that mean exactly? Comparing this to a simple desire for sex, which many men and women have, where they act on it, find someone at a party, sleep with them and leave feeling fulfilled. What I am discussing is different than that. Falling in Love, is where I become mentally obsessed with someone. Thinking about them, imagining conversations with them, needing them, feeling empty without them, feeling insecure, feeling an intense need for their attention. I want reassurance of their love for me. Whats the purpose of this? Its not sex, clearly its something that more stronger. While I have not reached that outcome, based on what I have gathered, it seems the purpose is to create children. Not just sex, but to impregnate, most likely within marriage. I bet that once the children are born the love disappears. Im grateful that I haven't materialized that. 

It makes sense though. Love causes humans to make children with someone they otherwise never would. Similar to how after sex your senses come back, you wake up one day and realize the love is gone. This is a cold analysis of what is occurring. So please dont take it in a cold way. Meaning we all are going through programs, we are all not aware of fully what is occurring. And we are responsible for what has transpired, even in our awareness. Don't abandon children. 

To be responsible means responsible for yourself and then responsible for others, what they are going through, their mind. 

Therefore be aware of Love, RUN FROM IT WHILE YOU CAN. Something Bernard would have said probably, lol.

 I suggest facing this Love point, and remove it from the equation. So that you can approach relationship with someone, as an agreement with full fledged communication, and responsibility for them and you. Be the creator, not the possessed. 

And to correct use self-forgiveness, and tools of writing, as explained through Desteni. 


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be possessed by the program and feeling of love, where I have acquired a target of a person, which becomes the focus of an entire program that acts predictably and with precision and focus to create an outcome that has already been determined/prescribed by it, to create children. 


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