Virus Free Mind Book Review 230

So I read the Virus Free Mind Book, written by Bernard Poolman, and published around 2000, I believe. I found very useful insights, and explanations, on various topics and points. There were certainly many positive points and perspectives I haven't considered before.  I certainly recommend everyone to read it.

The book is very well flowing. Each chapter follows one another quite nicely. The illustrations were insightful. I found the exercises quite practical and well-explained. I enjoyed the play on words that Bernard utilized in a constructive purpose. There was obviously some of Bernard light worker side coming through at times, but that were limited to a few sections. Keep in mind that this was written before the portal opened. All in all, I give it 5/5. 


  1. Thanks for the review Yogan. I've heard some cool things about the book and have been wanting to check it out.


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