
Showing posts from March, 2020

Day 816 My Perspective Coronavirus

So, to explain my background, I stick with science, and physical evidence. Anything that you can see directly and observe is trustworthy especially if you test it rigorously and repeatedly. That is how Bernard did things too. And its the only natural way to determine what is true. Rigorous testing. So. This video is the best one I saw so far explaining the coronavirus from a medial perspective.[0]=AZUa26G0nI3l6pWC-sYtz2v2QwiGQWrMzLcyR4AoKoVHrYpBzrGhyXxq_aq6wLBaHKJ9PUYy0HwX_zJjC-KcNQFCY8dSV3_Vjj1TpzAsM3K-eF9qy3es1usGcuaVRPTujS8&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R So the key points is that the virus moves quickly, way too fast. That is what the doctors in the front line are saying. The progression is quick from when a person should be put on a ventilator. And the current numbers/guess is that even on ventilators 50% of people are dying. It is true though that most people will be fine, but you have to consider the elderly, y...

Day 815 Escalator of Agreement/Disagreement

I saw this vision/metaphor of an escalator at a local mall, where it represents a polarity of being stuck on this point of going up and then going down continuously forever. Where what it represents for me is people Joining me and me feeling good about that, and then people being against me, and me feeling fearful of that. And its very much related to being agreed with, and then being disagreed with. So to explain it better, its like in life when you are looking for that point that someone else agrees with you, or with what you are doing, and it gives you that good feeling or sense of someone has joined you and is on your side. Because of that nature of the mind, it works in polarity. So if you accept that above point within you of feeling good in such moments, then you automatically create the opposite, that you feel bad, fearful in this case. So its like then the moments through life where when people disagree with you, and are against what you are doing, your decisions, your...

Day 814 Let it be Me

So yesterdays blog was the intro for these series of blog covering this mind personality. Today I'm going to start with the walking through the detail of the programming. So less fun description and more breaking down the exact programming. The overarching theme here is enjoyment that is bad. Like laughing at someone else's pain. Bullying others. Being happy when others lose. So the following memories are such moments: Stealing a bottle of bubbles from a fellow student in the 1st grade who won it for some achievement. I saw he was quite happy receiving it. I grabbed it and placed it in my bag. I could see he was sad/upset about it missing. The teacher tasked some students to search the desks/room for it. When they approached my desk, I said go ahead and search everything I have nothing to hide, and kind of did this motion of raising my arms and then crossing it over my chest. I felt a sense of ...

Day 813 A Dastardly Secret

There is a very interesting mind system that seems best described as a personality within me. The reason why personality is because its basically like a person or has a personhood to it. It has a flavor and it has a presence to it. And its a personality within me because its like Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, its something hidden, and when it is here it is like I am a different person. The reason why I am making it seem so dramatic or so extreme is because it is. Because when I started to open this up really, I was suprised/shocked yet at the same time not, that I was laughing and smiling about things which I would never do. So what I am saying is that its not something I was conscious of, to extent of being fully aware enough to even say it exists, or even say it is how I am describing today/now/above, like with the words of it being a personality within me, it being like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I didn't see it like that at all. Until now. What is interesting is now I have that awar...

Day 812 Time to Recreate myself

Time to Recreate myself again. I see now that I have been developing and participating a desire to have someone else like me around. Someone that I can talk to in depth and detail about the mind, about all the details. all the dimensions, all the aspects and observations as if it was a fascinating scientific pursuit or study. To be able to share and make cross-referencing with that person regarding any and all dimensions of the mind/body and our experience. To discuss the techniques and methods used, as well as describe the mind system, treating them as universal things to study/catalogue and so share and discuss as something mutual and applicable to all of us. SO I was developing that desire. And desire means energy. Desire are system. All desires are system as long as they operate within energy. Its possible to make a decision about what you want or go after it, all without energy within it or behind it. That is not what I was doing in this case. I had a life long desire, that sp...

Day 811 Economics/World

This is an economic/world system post. So I read this article that interviews Chomsky. So Chomsky is pretty old now, and he along with several others figures I can name: Bernie Sanders, Chris Hedges, are all old together. And they all throughout time fought for the truth: not for money or fame, and not for conspiracy theories. So basically I am saying I trust them because of their life long commitment to the truth and you can see it in their actions. There are not many people that I can say I trust to deliver on their word/promises and with what they say being true. So in the article he touches on and briefly introduces the point of what has been happening in the world. There is a class warfare as he called it. Or a corporation warfare or business warfare, where corporations and businesses have actively fought to suppress workers and to re...

Day 810 The Greatest Purpose to Live for

The greatest purpose that you can live for is life. And the greatest kind of person you will ever meet is someone who lives for Life, and understands that intrinsic value/nature of all Life. Too often has humanity fallen. Individual people and groups fall. Societies fall, nations fall. Ways of living fall. There is always consequence for that. There is always a price to pay for everything you do and choose, no matter how small or how big you may name it. The greatest value and worth that you can own in this life is who you are, and it is the only thing that exists after death. All your memories, all your money, all of your good times, bad times, all of the suffering/pain/abuse, al of that will end at death. You don't take any of that with you. What you do take, the only thing is Who you Are. And nothing and no one can affect that, determine that or decide that but you. And you will live for eternity with that point of who you are. Everything you do, everything you say, ev...

Day 809 To Do List- Grand Scheme

So here's a bit of a to do list. These are major projects. I will outline what they are, what they would do, their intended effects, and obviously its all tied here to Desteni, What is best for all, oneness and equality in some way. If anyone wants to steal these ideas, go for it. Make it happen A fictional Book Series Its a series where it describes that utopia where there is some other kind of system, could be basic income, living income, or Equal money system (maybe a different book for each one?) Basically its a novel, and so you are following a character, I imagined her as female and fairly young. Maybe 13. That age is always such an interesting time period of life. Anyway, the structure I have is that there is a point where the utopia world she lives in is described by her living her ordinary life, and so the details are there, they are hinted at and alluded to so that you can get a sense of how the world/country/place works. It may not necessarily be the whole world, at...

Day 808 Becoming the Devil

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing emotion and feelings. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing others to stay in emotions and feelings. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abandon others to their illusions, delusions, and emotions/feelings. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not try to help others walk out of their mind. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give up on helping others leave their lies, illusions, enslavement. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place any value above the individual freedom of each person, where I must help them to walk out of my mind, and where I have been valuing different things like my status, my reputation, my perception by others, my wealth, my anything. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think anything could matter more than helping someone walk out of their mind. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think there co...