Your chances will run out. 329

You only have so many chances. You don't get infinite number. Nope. One day, the time in clock will run out. Not only within your physical death, but also within daily life and with people. You only have so many chances, to learn, to do what is best for all. And one day, it will be too late, unless you actually learn and correct yourself. I say this, especially for those that still hold onto the idea that you have until tomorrow to act, live and correct yourself. You don't. You only have right now/here. If you don't correct it here/today, then you won't ever. It's as simple as that. And you only have so many chances to realize that. And one day your chances will run out.

Learn humility, stop fighting. There's no excuses. You have had plenty of chances, and you blew it. And soon, you will blow the biggest mistake. The moment of being the last moment/chance. And you won't see it coming until you have already blown it. So don't wait!


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