What you feel about something doesn't matter 328

What you feel about something doesn't matter.

What you feel about yourself... is not real.
What I feel about myself... is not real.

What you feel about trees, cars, dogs, people, doesn't matter.

What you feel about things, is not real.

What is real are the actual physical things that are here, that are in front of you, that you see, hear, touch, smell. That is real. What you feel about what is real, isn't real.

It's like we are confused inside ourselves, where we believe that what we feel and react to and about what is real, makes what we feel and our reactions, real. It doesn't. What you feel about something is simply what you feel about something. It has no reality to it. It is simply reacting to what is here/real.

How you feel about things, doesn't matter. How you feel about things, won't determine or become an action or solution. It is not part of the solution. How you feel about the solution, doesn't make it more of a solution. Taking the action to make a solution happen, is real, and is all that is needed. The added feeling, is an added feeling. It doesn't add to the solution or the actions.

How you feel about the situation, the moment, what is here, doesn't matter. It isn't part of the solution. If you focus on changing how you feel about the situation, then you simply are creating a new feeling. Thus, the situation doesn't change! Instead you can focus on changing the situation. Thus the situation would change!

Thus spending time changing how you feel about a situation, changes nothing! Thus the time spent in how you feel about a situation, is simply a waste of your time.

The more time spent within how you feel about something, including yourself, the more time is wasted, and so the potential of being here with what is real, with what you can see, hear, taste, and be aware of.

If something needs to get done, how you feel about something can only get in the way and limit yourself. Things that need to get done need action, not feelings. Limiting and constricting yourself based on how you feel about something, is a limitation. It is not needed to create a feeling about something in a positive way before you take action.

You cannot find success or results that will be consistent and stand the test of time if you need to feel good about something before you take action to bring about results. You waste so much time and energy within trying to get in the right frame of mind and feeling before feeling right about the situation and the moment before you take action. It's not needed and so a waste of your time and energy.

How you feel about something doesn't matter. How you feel about problems, doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what is matter, which means physical. Actions, movement. That produce results. Feelings produce nothing but a feeling. You can feel your way out of a problem, or think your way out of a problem through imaginations. The aligned action is what resolves the problems. Doing, acting, is the application of living the solution. Feeling and thinking randomly in reaction is not living the application of the solution.

And finally, whatever you feel about yourself is not real. Good or bad, it is not yourself, it is not YOU, it is a feeling ABOUT you, but it isn't you. It is in reaction to YOU, but its not you. However this feeling is sucking your energy, attention and time, and so is living off of you. So it is within your power to STOP.


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