Day 45 When you are connecting someone

Something I observe is that we can connect with people through different ways or modalities. Like one way is through words. Some people are able to connect intimately purely through words. Whether it be in the form of hand written letters, which used to be the old way of communicating. Or whether it is through online chat in modern times. And its not so much about only certain people can ONLY connect this way, its more that its like either a skill or a relationship to words in a way that enables them to do so. Compare this to meeting in person and connecting through the presence of a person right here in front of you.

Perhaps you can say its easier to connect with someone in person, though that is a generalization and there is always exceptions to the rules. So to summarize what we have so far, people can connect solely through written words without ever meeting face to face, without any NEED to, where it isn't any less. Other people can't do this, at least in the present moment. And it seems general that people can connect face to face.

If we look closer to face to face interactions, there are also OTHER ways to connect WITHIN that. For some people they can just sit next to a person and connect with them, WITHOUT words, simply through their presence shared in the moment. Again, this is more like a skill or a certain relationship to the SILENCE, speaking without words, and LISTENING. Again, some people can do this and others can't in the present moment. It's not more or less, just a different modality.

Going back to connecting through words, there is a depth of expression where one shares one's own intimate history, self, perspective, the real truth of what one sees unhindered by holding back for the sake of others or some other reason. Being able to do that is also a skill and requires a relationship to one's own TRUTH, and REALITY, and knowing one self.

There are more shallow forms of connecting, which I rather not even call it connect, so we won't. There are shallow relationships, which are very surface level, and the ultimate reason for being this way is because of one's own relationship to oneself or parts of Reality. For example I can stare at a tree and connect with a tree, which I am connecting to a part within myself. A tree is part of Reality, and I am part of reality, and being able to connect without words is the skill.

Shallow is like superficial, which is like another word for Image. When we connect based on the Image of things, just the appearance of things, which is like the image we PRESENT to the world, while keeping the REST of it SUPPRESSED, well that is how we get superficial and shallow. It is the hiding, the denial, the hidden, the secret. It is PART OF REALITY, yet it is not seen, known, shared, understood.

Going back to face and face interactions, there are certain expressions and communications that you can have, that can be unspoken yet known. These are spur of the moments jokes, ideas, creative/spontaneous moments that can be created through READING the other person and READING the moment. It requires a LISTENING that is deeper than what is on the surface of things. There are things you can keep hidden within written words, yet you can read such things on people's faces, on how they hold themselves, and how their voice sounds.

But at the same time, you can tell if someone is open/vulnerable while writing in word form only, it is undeniable. Because writing, when its so open and intimate, it is just like speaking. Literally the words you write is how you would express through speech. It is you communicating, and again this is a SKILL and a relationship to words itself.

When you live your words, well, this is part of what it means to be Living Words. Every single word you SPEAK, Write = is you.

 What I notice is that for every person there are TRICKS or unique moments where people connect naturally. Maybe its a group activity where we all play a game with a common goal. Like keeping a ball into the air or a balloon without it touching the ground. I have seen that time and again. I would say people want to naturally connect, but we are WAY to dependent on our programming to tell us WHEN we are ALLOWED to. We aren't aware that we are like robots, programmed to only do things at certain times. To only live a certain way without living.

There is only one fake way of connecting that involves spirituality, where we creates a fake connection with people, like a LIFE FORCE that one cooks up in one's head. This is fake because one doesn't change, and one doesn't move without oneself. Its a passive receiver of a feeling. When connection is REAL you are ACTIVE creator of it, because you are actively moving within yourself. A passive receiver is like an inferior standpoint like a follower of God, that beams down love and light towards you. Its FAKE. The ultimate reason why is because of oneness and equality. Typically we God is superior and your inferior. When its a LIE, its FALSE.

The same vein of inequality happens in relationships, romantic ones or familial bonds or friendship. Inequality = FAKE.


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