Day 43 Why Do you?

Why do you DO the things you do?

Why do you do your job?

Why do you have a family?

Why do you dedicate your time in the things you do?

What's the reason why you do EVERYTHING that you Do?

When did you start believing that?

When did you BECOME YOU?

Do you remember the exact moment?

Did you decide to be your exact nature, personality, self?

Did you decide to have and BE the Human Nature?

Did you decide to have these Identities?

Why are you you?

Why do we accept bad things?

Why do we accept things like poverty, or crime, or rape, murder?

Why do we accept an Imperfect system?

Why do we accept an Imperfect world?

Did you really stop for a moment consider everything and then really decided that it was just best to accept the Imperfect world? Accept to do Nothing.

What if I told you that everything you have lived in your life, all your decisions were originally preprogrammed and nothing of you is original, is really you, DONE within a real CONSIDERATION, real DELIBERATION, where the ANSWER was already PREPROGRAMMED withing you.

What if I said you never really THOUGHT anything before, and all your THOUGHTS were created and placed there by others, which you only accepted and allowed. Passed on from past generations, from other people WITHOUT question.

How would you know this is happening?

Can you call the exact moment you decided to be you?

All the Good and All the bad about you. Everything of you. Why do you do what you do?

Can you really even say you're a person at all if you haven't had an original thought, haven't really deliberated and questioned independently, openly, without a set answer already in mind?

If everything of you was simply you accepting what others have told you, what you have heard and just repeating it, aren't you more like a robot, or like a copy and paste clone? If so, you aren't really a person.

Do you KNOW what makes you YOU?

Do you remember WHEN you became You?

Can you really say you didn't just accept the answers given to you by others, that you just accept your world the way it was presented to you?

Did you know you are capable of original thought, of original expression, unplanned, unprepared, unknown spontaneous expression?

Did you KNOW that you are capable of sincere deliberation, questioning, and capable of finding the Truth to ANY question?

Did you KNOW you can QUESTION your own preprogramming? Question the Thought that you have accepted as the truth, passed on from past generations.

Did you Know you can REMAKE and RESHAPE reality? yourself?

Did you know you DON"T have to just LISTEN TO your THOUGHTS, and simple FOLLOW THEIR ORDERS? Did you know true deliberation, questioning starts with questioning your thoughts? Did you know that is HOW you get to the TRUTH?

Did you know that you CAN do that, that your are CAPABLE? You can QUESTION your thoughts, you can NOT FOLLOW THEM. You can run ASTRAY from your own Preprogramming. You can run Astray from what you were designed/planned/destined/placed to BE.

Did you KNOW that there are Protection Mechanisms placed to PREVENT you from CHANGING, to make it CHALLENGING to Change your PREPROGRAM, to make you afraid, fearful of ever questioning, ever going AGAINST the PLAN made for you?

Did you know that you ARE the way you ARE, because you Accept a LIFE ruled by FEAR to actually LIVE, and actually BE Independent, and actually TAKE self-responsibility for your ACTIONS and THOUGHTS? Did you know you rather be Fearful and just ACCEPT it.

Did you KNOW this is your ONE GREATEST FEAR? Seeing yourself, what you really are, how and why you really exist as that. To see how you currently exist inside of you, how you operate, how you make your decisions. To see how you aren't really even a person, even original, how you are a clone, a copy, and just have been given a definition, an Identity that you just accepted to be YOU. To see you already KNEW all of this All Along already.

You already knew all of this, you just haven't dared to take that step forward to turn around and do something about it. By and Through your Will you can take self-responsibility and change. You can Forgive yourself and change. You can be honest with yourself and change. You can.


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