
Showing posts from May, 2015

Yogan's Guide to living a Good life 281

These are the four points that my mind tries its best to put pressure on me. 1. Sex 2. Money 3. Friendships 4. Relationships Let's see who comes out on top. For each I have my self stand. The following is where I stand with each: 1. With sex, I don't need it. I wouldn't compromise any other aspect of my life for sex. I would always choose something else over this, if it meant compromising myself. Sex is merely a pleasure point, and is a non-essential point. At the same time, sex is a tool, a way for me to explore my self-expression within a situation, which I have said, is non-essential. Therefore, in a way, it provides a space for seeing who I am, and practice self-movement. I wouldn't compromise myself whatsoever, in terms of getting a sexual partner, for the purpose of sex. I rather stick to masturbation, or sex with myself, because then there is no risk for such consequences as STD, as well as wasting my time with someone that is a waste of my time, and I...

Did you know this about your FOOD? 280

So, I'm not sure how many you are aware of what happening with the food production in the world. Though chances are that the majority of people in the world don't know this. But, I will bet a dollar that most of you have been told by a parent or adult growing up that you should finish all the food on your plate, because it would go to waste and that there are starving children in Africa. Am I right? So here is something ironic. About 40% of food perfectly that is produced is wasted, and much of this happens before it even arrives in the household. While there may be some food wasted in the households, there is also a large amount that is thrown away at the supermarkets, and distribution centers. Take a look at this video if you don't believe me: So this documentary goes into detail on the subject matter. I haven't seen this one yet, but I did see another food waste documentary 2 years ago called taste the waste. So while parents are telling their children to not...

Milgram's Experiment 279

What can we learn from Milgram's experiment? The first and most obvious point is that when people/humans are pressured by their environment, they will do that which they swore they would never do in God's name. So, this reveals that human nature is suppressed, regulated and controlled through the environment. So this is what Milgram's experiment showed. This knowledge and information can be used for many purposes. It can be used to control humanity. It can be used to support humanity as well. Because what is one thing we all want to avoid happening? We would all like to not have the true human nature be expressed in the real world. Because imagine, a world where there is not enough money to buy food in the stores, water, housing. Imagine the economy collapsing. Humans would become violent, they would kill, murder, and steal to survive. We ALL do not want that to happen. But it will happen, it is inevitable as long as we continue on the road that we are on now. Beca...

Blame Game! Are you ready for level 2? Games for life! 278

Let's play a game. I challenge you to not have any blame. So list everyone that you blame. Here is a generic list. 1. Politicians 2. Government 3. Corporations 4. Millionairs/Billionaires 5. Ceos 6. Society 7. Teachers 8. Parents 9. Siblings 10. Authority So Mark off everyone that you blame. With this list, stop the blame. For each person, look at what you are blaming this person/people for, and see how you could change/act that would support the outcome that your prefer. To stop the blame, simply focus on yourself and acting in the way that will create what you want. So the trick to stopping blame is to take more responsibility. Okay, so are you ready for level 2? Level 2 is taking it to the next level. It is to see whether you will change when things change around you. So you have to be able to stay the same, be the same person even when things around you become extreme. So in your mind, imagine extreme situations, and challenge yourself to stay the same. A...

First Crushes 277

So we are going wayyyyyy Back in Time.  Welcome to the past. Here I am where my first crushes were present. So my earliest relationship with the opposite sex, girls, I see as significant, now that I have made a major breakthrough in seeing my pattern of reacting to women in detail. So I see then that my first relations with women, defined how I responded/reacted to all women. That is quite significant, the fact that my first initial relations with women defined how I responded, felt, and what I thought when meeting all of these future women. That is what I can see now. This reveals how everything we live: think, feel, react, doesn't just go away by itself. It stays with us. Until, we actually in awareness take responsibility for that, and release it and change. See, I was aware that my relationship to women was not self-supportive. I knew that. But, I wasn't aware of the detail of it, how I felt, what I thought, in moment to moment playout. I had to be aware of what it i...

Self-support on self-judgment 276

Image For this moment, I am looking at self-judgment within me. I had a listen to the above interview on self-judgments and how to overcome it. I suggest listening to this interview for those who are interested in overcoming self-judgments, because in my blog, I will be only walking my own self-judgments, I won't be providing guidance in how to walk through it, and if you are looking for guidance in walking self-judgments, I suggest listening to this interview.  So I have been looking at this point, and it is a notable theme throughout my past week and the points I worked with. So it does seem subtle, and now I have a self-judgment.  When looking inside now, this is what I see Layer 1: Nervousness. So first, I feel nervous, in response to looking at me, and at this point.  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel nervous, in reaction to looking at my self-judgment. I ...

Getting to know myself, what does this mean? 275

So what does this mean? For me it means to see my patterns that I don't see as patterns. Here is an example for demonstrative purposes. One pattern is that I suppress a lot of what I feel. So why is it useful for me to see my pattern? Because, when I see that I just felt something, and then I am immediately feeling something else, then I might be acting within this pattern. And so my question to myself is, what was I feeling just before, and why was I feeling that ? So when I ask that question, I look for the answer, and I learn what I was feeling before, why I felt that, and that I was reacting to what I felt. So I forgive reacting to what I felt, because I don't want to be separate from parts of myself. From doing that, I understand who I am in this moment, and so I can direct myself.

Equalifying Equality 274

So today's post will be about a mistake I have made within approaching equality. This is a recurring mistake because the source of it is embedded deep within my behavioral habits from this life. And I write this blog because it has come up again when looking at one of points regarding how I have acted in this life, and within correcting that action to something that is best for me. So I figure that some other people could be making the same mistake, so I figure that this will be a cool reminder for everyone. And I do have quite a bit of experience with this point. So, So qualifying what is equality. So equality means not only what is best for everyone else, but also best for you. I see this mistake where I mistake doing what is best for everyone and equality means placing what is best for everyone else first, occurring in my life because of what was present in my environment growing up. In my environment there were values present and judgments on things that were called evil. ...

Self-Honesty: The Depthness of Self within Communicating with words. 273

So today I am reflecting on this world self-honesty. Now when I learned of this word self-honesty, meaning being honest with yourself, I made a note to myself to focus on the word. Why? Because if I am honest about what is going on with me and what is going on in the moment right now, then I have what I need to be me, to be real, to create my life. So I notice this particularly revealing itself in self-questioning. So when I ask myself questions. When I ask myself a question about what I am going through, or why I am doing something, there is already present a knowing that something is wrong/off. So this honesty, together with asking the right questions, which is also part of the honesty, makes for a really good pair/couple. The couple of honesty and questions. So just to play with this image... Imagine their is a couple, honesty and question. Whenever a question is asked, the answer is an honest one. That is ideal isn't it. Ideally everyone would be honest in every moment....

Relationships with people: Letting go of responsibility that was never mine. 272

Too Many Eyes: Looking into Other people's business I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge my history of relationships. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself as bad now, for who I was in my past relationships with women. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to attack myself within attacking my past history of relationships, and for attacking all relationships, because I am attacking my past history of relationships. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react with anger when looking at who I was in my past relationships, instead of applying forgiveness. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react with anger for not being the good guy that I saw myself as, within my past relationships with women, by being what is best for me and the other person, and so best for both of us. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take responsibility for both of us, in my past ...

Calming Energy 271

So today, I woke up tired. This meant that I continued in bed for a while. I was really looking at this point. I notice that my face was rather pale, meaning that there wasn't a lot of blood  circulation, thus why my face looked more white/pale. And I was just being aware of the whole tired experience. So I know I had things to do, I had to leave the house for some errands. I was going with someone else, and while I was waiting for them to get ready, I had time to reflect and investigate on what this is. So I considered the possibilities, the first is that there is something wrong with my body, that it needs something, or it has some problem that needs fixing, for that I have to see the doctor and measure blood, which is what I plan to do. But in knowing what I know, and seeing what I have seen, it is possible that this can have something to do with my mind and some pattern or system that is activated. So in that I did see something, and as I looked throughout my body, I did fee...

The Non-emotional, and DUTY Personality 270

So today, I am looking at how I present myself in the system as my preprogramming. So the question is how do I present myself in the system, by default? So I had a telephone conversation just now. I had called to set up a doctors appointment. I notice how I spoke by default, because I was seeing how I could express myself. So within this process of expressing myself, I will be facing my preprogramming in how I expressed myself for much of my life. I can say I have a familiarity with this, yet at the same time I do not intimately know it. This is why I am writing this blog right now. So I present myself as someone "professional." For me this means being very collected, non-emotional, straight to the point. Also "on the job." If you ever worked with me on  project you would see this clearly about me. I am focused on the work that needs to get done, and this is how I become. So how did I develop this personality or presentation of myself? Through school project...

The Right/Wrong Headphones 269

Continuing from yesterday. Right/wrong. So like good and bad, right/wrong are two words. They are two words meaning the same point as good/bad. They are not aligned to what is best for all. Right is aligned to ego, self-interest, belief as well as what is good. Wrong is linked to inferiority, bad, as well as ego, self-interest and self-definition. They are not part of the assessing processing and determination that is essential to what is best for all, and like good/bad they are one dimensional, and simply a category or label, lived within emotions or feeling.  In a world that is best for all, there is no use for "right " "wrong." There is just that which is best for all, and that which needs to be aligned to what is best for all. If you are staying within a thought or definition of "I am right" or "I am wrong," then you have a mental...

My Good/Bad Colored Glasses 268

My living definition for enjoying doing some work/task/project is morality oriented, meaning if I think, believe, perceive that I am a good person for doing this work/task/project, I enjoy myself doing that project, and I do it willingly, and so relatively well.   Furthermore, whether I believe some task/work/project will indicate that I am good/bad, it will depend on what someone has said about that task/work/project, or has given sufficient information where in my mind I will construct that belief. It is like my mind is built to search out in the world and determine what are the good actions, and what are the bad actions, and to act what is good, and the method is what I describe, through seeing what is defined as good by what is already here in this world, including then the people that are alive in this moment. Can I honestly trust anyone to be able to give me the information on what to do? No. Because of the condition of the world right now, and h...

Existential Fear - Complete and utter Failure 267

So an existential fear activated within me, as part of a larger playout in my day. This fear is about failure. However it is the ultimate failure. So its the fear of me, completely absolutely failing. To what degree? The absolute degree. So meaning, that I have no effect at all on this reality. No success, none. That I die, basically, without accomplishing anything, and making things better as part of what is best for all. So it could involve me imagining that I die, tomorrow, or in a few years, and the decisions I am making now, were the wrong decisions. Do you have a reference for this fear? So in looking at this, one self-honesty point was immediately apparent. And that is I have already have had an effect on this reality and within alignment ot what is best for all. So that was a misconception of the fear, or shall I say a distortion of reality or the truth. Now here comes the other part, which may not seem so pleasant. With the future, and with making decisions, yes it is pos...