Justice Character Day 170
Knight in Shining Armor to serve Justice |
When someone tells a lie, my Justice Character activates.
Even though it feels like I am charged up, and shout/speak with a loud voice, I feel peaceful. Something that happens sometimes is that I would suppress this character, especially if I didn't know the person and I was speaking with them in person, not online. So I have become this character online and with people close to me. I was scared that other people may harm me, because I was shouting at them, but I would still get revved up when seeing the "injustice." I notice my blood pumps stronger in my veins. And I stand straight with my head tilted slightly so as to create this look with my eyes and forehead. My hands also sway and move more, as I speak. I sometimes jump too. And my voice is consistently and constantly loud. Sometimes the other person asks me to lower my voice, I agree to it, but I keep shouting, without realizing I am. I think to myself they are lying. I think that they know that they are lying. I think that they are just trying to protect themselves being right. I think that they just don't want to change. I think that they are just in reaction, and I need to speak and be like this so that they have a chance of hearing me, because otherwise they would shout and just ignore me, like how they always would. I notice how throughout my life, I would get upset at even little lies or jokes, esp. if they were about me. So if someone insulted me I would separately react towards the insult and simultaneously react with the Justice Character, because the insult would be a lie, unless I saw it as true, which it wouldn't activate, and I would react as another character. I notice how this started when I was little and would react to my brother or cousin teasing me, and how I would feel peaceful when I got back at them. I wouldn't shout, I would suppress that, even though I wanted to, and I would do something back to them. There were times where I did shout, and I saw my mother shout, when she was upset. It was not really about the lie, but the injustice. On justice, its like everyone knows what is right but no one does it, which I start reacting to that thought. This thought is a lie, since not everyone is aware of the same things. And I am not aware of that. So it was a lie I had within me that justified the Justice Character.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to shout/speak in a loud voice, jump around and wave my hands in the air when someone I know tells a lie.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to stand up straight and tilt my head to look the person in the eye when someone I know tells a lie.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to tell myself in thought that they are lying, they know they are lying, they just don't want to change, they are just protecting being right when someone I know tells a lie.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to tell myself in thought that they are in reaction, I just need to speak loudly so that they have a chance of hearing me, because otherwise they would shout back at me, and ignore/suppress me, like how they always would, when someone I know tells a lie.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get upset at little jokes or teases about me, or about others.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel like I must avenge or serve justice to people.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to do things as "justice" to my brother and cousins if I felt they had wronged me or done in injustice, and so I must balance things out.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to tell myself the lie that everyone knows what is right but doesn't do it on purpose/in awareness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel peaceful when I activate and become the Justice character.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become the justice character when someone I know tells a lie.
When and as I see myself feeling peaceful, as the justice character, when someone tells a lie- I stop and I breathe - I realize that, 2 points, that 1, we each are aware of very little of what goes on, and 2, serving justice does not help anyone to correct themselves, either people who have some awareness of what they're doing, or none.
I commit myself to ask questions to find out what people are aware of who say/write information, which doesn't coincide with what knowledge I have stored within me, because its possible that I or them or both have installed misinformation in ourselves.
I commit myself to speak calmly and clearly what information I have stored within me, if it is relevant to the person I am with, if for example they spoke a statement, which doesn't coincide with the information in me, and to ask that they clearly and calmly do the same with me, so that I may learn as well.
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