Day 895 What Life is
The real life. the Life that is eternal, that is everything one and equal. You are either Life or you are the abuser of Life. Life does fight back. If there is a coup, life fights back. If there is gossip made, life fights back. The fight is interesting because Life stands proud, in honesty and with integrity. Whereas the Mind would work in the shadows, plotting, looking for revenge.
The most important thing you can have in this Life is Self, the real self. Nothing else holds any value in comparison to that. If you don't have this self, you have nothing. This self is having the power, the responsibility, and the ability to create. And part of that responsiblity is fighting back, and no allowing any abuse. When someone abuses, you stop it. And you know the abuse is within the mind, within the thought. That is where the real abuse occurs, through acceptance and allowance of the mind. So that is what you say to them. You show and teach what the separation is and you show the path of oneness and equality with and as all as the physical as breath in every moment.
When you have the real breath, that is the real power, and you know it that nothing can stop, and you are capable of everything. Life can never be stopped. Life will always find a way. It is certain and known.
Being Life means that you will fight when abuse knocks on your door. Integrity must stand in the limelight, for yourself, for others, for us all. No abuse can be tolerated. And that is how we build trust, and how we forge real relationships that the future can stand upon.
Life thrives!
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