Day 777 Friendship

We are all friends. What divides us is our acceptance and allowance of separation. We have separated ourselves from each other, and so thus from joy. We have suppressed the vision/understanding that all are one and equal as me. We have forgotten the point where we all are one and equal and thus this is where true happiness lies, it lies within us being our true selves. True self means we are living the truth. The truth of who we really are.

I have lost my way, and I am trying to fight my way back to the truth.

Here is one point of truth. To realize who you really are, requires you realizing as well that you cannot leave anyone else behind. You need to dedicate yourself to showing others the way out and to help them. To merely say you have realized yourself and that's it, and you live a happy life for yourself, you know that's a lie. This is incompatible with the truth that all are one and equal, and the very foundation of your expression and all that exists is oneness and equality.

The ability to even express requires the point of oneness and equality being existent.

Where I am stuck is in a point of survival where I believe cruelty can exist, where abuse and separation can exist forever, where I believe there is no way out and that the abuse will continue forever.

I am stuck in the lie.

Nothing that I am stuck in is desirable, is worthy of Life.

ANd when I remember the truth that all are one and equal and that is the true nature of all, and I really access my oneness and equality with all, then I know that is satisfying, that is real, that is worth it.

I need to fight to remember.

I need to remember what are my pillars of my process. One of them is honesty. Speaking here honestly and openly is one pillar. The second is be willing to forgive anything of me that is not best and correcting it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to forget who I really am

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel guilty in saying I forgot who I really am because someone I respect told me that I can't really forget, so I took that to mean that I shouldn't say that I forgot who I am.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to forget who I really am.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think its too late for humanity and for all of us.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to forget my oneness and equality connection with all life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be unwilling to see how I am one and equal to all that exists, including the super wealthy elite, including people who have raped or murdered, including the Republicans and Trump, including people who lie to gain power, including those who believe in inequality, and push for the suppression of people ability to live/exist.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to undermine the power of seeing all as one and equal as me
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to downplay the power of seeing all as one and equal as me because no one else is talking about doing this practice, where I physically stop for a moment and see all of existence as me, all the people, all the wars, all the cultures, all the violence, all the poverty, all the wealth, all the separation as being Me, and within that point of seeing I respond with an experience of myself where I am whole, I am complete again, and thus I stand as all as one and equal.

I stand one and equal with doubt and guilt
I stand one and equal with abuse and lies
I stand one and equal with violence and selfishness
I stand one and equal with survival and death

There is nothing that can exist in existence that I cannot be one and equal with, and so I choose to stand one and equal with all that exists, because I recognize that that is my and everyone's true nature, and that is nature of existence/reality that all is one and equal, and so if there is one part that is misaligned and not best for all, it needs to be corrected. But there is no point of revenge, or annihilation, or hate, or point where we accept and allow further separation. We must unite and stand as one and equal. That is the only way, and that is who I am, and that is who we all are.

There is that part in us that will fight and resist oneness and equality. It will fight it by targeting the point where I say it with authority and absoluteness that there is no dispute, there is no discussion, there is no doubt that the true nature of all is that we are all one and equal.

So there is that part of us that will fight and resist and it will target that point of absoluteness. You can see the programming where we fight and resist power, where we want to be rebels and we fight and rebel against authorities. Be it in the home, be it kings or governments. I am not questioning the physical actions here, because all physical actions are innocent. What I am questioning is emotion/feeling and so the programming where we enjoy/like to rebel and fight authority.

We see this within the point of belief of freedom of choice and freedom of speech. Where freedom is defined as absolute freedom, which in practice becomes a point of absolute separation, and so standing away from our point of oneness and equality and unity.

I have noticed this in wealthy countries where the individual people are the most separated from each other, and those who are poorer stick more together. Because that money is defined within a point of free choice within a culture of freedom and thus separation. If money was defined as supporting Life and so all as one and equal then it would be different.

Money could even be created and defined into different categories, that which is essential for life, you defined as Plutark- which is the name of one type of money that can only be used for certain goods. and money that is defined as non-essential for life can be defined as Luigli, which is a 2nd type of money. Currently all money is considered as the same, and so within a point of absolute freedom, and so absolute separation.

Besides the point of resisting the absoluteness of our nature as being one and equal with and as all, we also can have doubt and fear.

I can see the point of doubt and fear within me, it unexplainable. Its simply a point of doubting my own stance of absoluteness, within standing as all as one and equal. I suppose its a point of attacking and compromising the standing of absoluteness, as part of the rebellion against authority even. Because the doubt is saying that I can't say things absolute like we are all one and equal, in almost like guilt or shame kind of way. Kind of like parents shaming me for standing absolute in that we are all one and equal. It is a point of trying to weaken the absolute stance of oneness and equality, and to tear it down. So it is then like an attack on oneness and equality, as part of this defense for separation.

Looking at it objectively now, the side of separation views itself as separate and as waging a war, which is part of the nature of separation even. Where it views it is fighting against the tyranny of what is best for all and all as one and equal, because such a point stands absolutely.

Within understanding this nature of war, through doubt and weakening the stance, it makes sense as a tactic. But the true nature of what is going on here means that there is in fact no war. There is no way that I can actually fall if its not my own doing or acceptance and allowance. All of the power and the outcome of this lies solely with me, and my decision. I can stand absolute with and as the point that all are one and equal. Especially now with understanding that the point of separation is attacking the stance of absoluteness through doubt.

I can see how the approach is to vilify absoluteness. And so distract from seeing how the point of oneness and equality is in its nature absolute, because it is truth, and that all truth is absolute in its existence. The only point of correction is to stand with all as one as equal and to stand absolute, unwavering and as that point completely, dispelling all doubt, removing all limitation, and not accepting anything less than what is best for all as me.

What this means practically is as I said above to SEE all as me. To see all as equal to me. To see the violence as equal to me. To see the doubt as equal to me. To see the rebellion and the fight for freedom as equal to me. To literally see all points that exist as me, without exception. To see the fear as equal to me. The doubt, the insecurity, the compromise, the judgment, the attack, the deception through using love, the point of control and abuse, and all the ideas and all the systems that surround that point and utilize those points.

Because this above here is what it means to stand absolutely as oneness and equality. To bring all points here and equalize them as me. Bernard didn't let any demon stay unchallenged, or forsaken. He showed each one the point of self-forgiveness, he did the same with the angels as well. So that is what oneness and equality is, it applies to all. There is no fight, or war in fact. Even though there is resistance, and war that is spoken of, instead what there really is is just this one decision to stand one and equal as all, including these points of resistance and war, including the act of separation. There is nothing to fear, there is nothing to fight, all there is is to unite with all and stand as all as one and equal. That is how we create and move forward and become our true nature and best self. That is our destiny, the destiny of the universe/existence.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe there is a war or fight that can actually stop what is best for all or standing as oneness and equality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I could lose my point of oneness and equality or be denied it through anything other than myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I could be too weak to stand absolute with oneness and equality with and as all.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe a lie that this world is meaningless, hopeless and that there is no hope for change or for humanity to change.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I can be forsaken, too far gone, too broken, or irredeemable.


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