Day 774 Mind, Body and Being

So I have an interesting point to share. What I am seeing is that in my body there has been stored programming that has been unleashed when I started to change my posture, my voice, my general holding of my body. So I was someone quite hunched over with my eyes being droppy all the time and not speaking clearly and mumbling quite a bit. I focused some time to change these things, and what I am noticing is that all of this programming in my head/mind came out. And that now I am noticing this point and now I am focusing on doing the SF and to change the inner points of the mind/self. So I'm doing SF on thoughts, emotions and feelings I am having.

So here is a cross-reference point for others, that its possible that mind points are hidden within such things as posture, and other physical ways of holding yourself or kind of existing/moving as. I would say in my case I needed to change my posture and how I moved myself in all of these ways directly and so then face all of these mind points. There wasn't a better way.

So part of this is that I am now speaking and sharing myself more in real time in all sorts of comments and perspectives I have, both big and small.

I think that what this whole thing I am describing represents is the mind, being and body and its a really good description of that dynamic. It is like I am a different person now. And I am applying things like exercise and toning my body: I'm going for some nice abs, and I am doing it not out of disliking my body or belly now, I really do like it and like my body now. I am also not doing it out of some desire to seem attractive or good looking for others. I am just doing it cause I would like to have that for me. So really fuck others ideas, what matters is my own. Being able to love your own body as it is and yet change it, is an extremely difficult point to actually do. Don't get me wrong, what I am doing is extremely difficult and challenging to do, but for me its easy to do. Because I know the secret that its all just mind and programming and I won't accept and allow energy within me, its that simple. So life for me is easy. I know its difficult for everyone else cause of the very reasons I described here.


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