Day 761 I Declare a War on All Feelings

I know, war is an extreme. 

I have made the decision that its necessary to declare a war on feelings. This includes all feelings, including intuition, happiness, love, joy, excitement etc... Anything that involves your feelings about something or someone. Feeling like someone is bad or good, or someone is untrustworthy. Any kind of feeling that involves translating that feeling into a belief.

So that means when I see someone who looks homeless, that I don't judge them as homeless and I don't make a feeling about them, or accept and allow a feeling about them for example. This includes when I see someone that looks Beautiful, that I don't see them as beautiful, or as trustworthy or good, or bad, or bitchy, or whatever. I don't think or feel anything about them, or anyone. Instead what I do is see directly here in real time what is going on, and who people are, and whats happening actually. 

It is necessary to confront all feelings, because how else will expressions emerge? How else will we learn to live words for real? Live love for real? Live joy and excitement for real as expression of ourselves? We need to confront and stop the feelings so that we come face to face with the truth of who we are and what we are doing: We have been living as Energy Addicts acting out with complete disregard to what is best for all, and oneness and equality.

The proof of what I am saying is here: how do you treat/respond to the message of oneness and equality and what is best for all? Do go against it? Do you support it? Do you speak it yourself? That is clear evidence enough, because what is best for all threatens your very existence as Mind and Ego. Because you as mind and ego simply wants to exists within energies and feelings, even if your life is shitty, even if you are in the deep end and just struggling: you will defend and fight for your limitation, instead of standing for what is best for all as all as one and equal. That is evidence/test for every person to know who you are. 

Feelings must end, and Expressions must reign. So I declare this war, so that let it be known that Feelings as energy can no longer be accepted and allowed to exist within and without. The way forward is aligning with your physical body and expressing one and equal as it: as all the expressions: the excitement, the love, the joy, the dance, the singing- expressions will reign and that is the fate/destiny of the universe. 

Note: I used the word war here as a joke. Meaning I am not actually hiring a private army to wage war, or using military grade tactics/training etc... At the same time I use it to make it clear the necessity of the message here. The only way forward is stopping energy/feelings/emotions in all their forms: and for expressions to take their place. To learn more of the actual process and how-to check out


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