Day 758 I stand for Life

What is the one thing I fear? What is one place I am not willing to go to?

Standing in correcting/directing others. Standing as who I am in opposition.

My heart/connection to existence is needed. I am a part of this existence, I am worth defending/protecting/enhancing/safeguarding. I have equal value to this entire existence. I stand with and as everyone/everything.

I have value just for existing.

I am equal to this entire existence.

I deserve care, respect, regard and consideration.

I am worthy.

I give myself all of these things, all of these words, and I expect to receive them from others.

Anyone who is not aligned with these words are misaligned and are detracting from themselves and others.

Life is here, Life is exist, we are equal and one with and as Life.

I give that value to everyone. I support an Equal Money System. I support a Freedom Dividend, I support anyone and all support to everyone/existence.

Simply for existing I have value. I don't have to have done anything or do anything, or be anything in particular or achieve particular things- simply for existing I have value as Life. My obligation is to Life, I live for life. My obligation is to live my highest expression/self, in other words my potential self. My obligation is to life/give that equal and one value of Life to and as all/everyone, and to live that in my actions, and decisions, and who I am within speaking words.

I deserve all that any part of Life deserves, and I work to give that to myself and others.

I stand in opposition and defiance to all those who oppose me and disagree with me.

I stand for Life. 


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