Day 753 Preprogramming and Working for Money

Preprogrammed to NOT work for money.

The statement: Do what you Love to do, find a Career that you Love to do.

What this statement is saying is to follow your Preprogramming- Do what you were preprogrammed to do. The one missing piece of information that general people lack is that every person was preprogrammed through their mind consciousness system to have a preprogrammed life path- which meant that SOME people were preprogrammed to work for Money for example, or to be a doctor or lawyer, or to be a scientist or teacher etc... or to even be poor, to be an alcoholic, to be failure and live a painful life. Everyone is preprogrammed. So the statement of doing what you love to do, is basically telling you to trust your feelings and emotions, and so to simply do whatever it was you were preprogrammed to do.

Some people are more lucky than others. For me, I was preprogrammed to be something like a Guru, and at the very least I was preprogrammed to NOT be working for money. I can at least see this point here- I feel a demotivation, an emotion of feeling displeased with working for money. And I can see other people and I can see how its easier for them. I know that all emotions are mind systems, and so for me to be triggered by the thought/idea that I work a career in data science for the purpose of making money, even though my plan is to use that money to do good and support life, this is proof that I was not preprogrammd to make money as my purpose. So what I have to do is to remove the systems within me, remove the emotional systems and align myself in the physical with the physical actions/movements without energy.

For the common man/person changing their preprogrammed path when it comes to career can be very difficult. For me its almost necessary, and I am highly motivated to do so. But for many people its going to be quite difficult- unless you are walking the process of emotions/feelings and changing self based on the support of the desteni knowledge/coursework/support. Because the common man does not have the facts on how their mind works or their emotions/feelings work. If they did though, and if they really did apply it and get good at it, then yes it will be much more common for any person to be able to live their fullest expression and become something of Life, of expressions that realize their potential as life, to be or do anything within what is best for all.

Removing/stopping emotions/energies/system is a specific skill. Its not something done through knowledge alone. Simply reading this blog is not enough unless you already have the practice with the tools and applying knowledge/understanding within yourself to change in your physical body/self/life immediately.

Human beings were preprogrammed entirely- completely. The idea of free choice is an illusion. Understanding and how and where your choices is based within your mind system as following energies/emotions/feelings/thoughts is how you start to see the truth and start to understand what choice is and its responsibility is within the context of the reality of Life on the planet- including the level and extent that every single human being is programmed by their mind without even being aware of it. Imagine you have an entire planet of people who are completely brainwashed and controlled and aren't even aware of it, or the complete extent of it. That even the people who are supposedly working with themselves are in another layer of trap/enslavement, here I am referring to Gurus, New Age, Positivity, even Religions, Philosophy/Intellectual people. Where these specific things were placed as another layer of control to mislead people. Cause the one point that no one challenges or points out is Energy in all its form BOTH positive and negative. No one questions the positive polarity.

In my case, I am quite intelligent and able to do some mentally demanding work/career, like data science. So in terms of the physical level, I can do it, I am prepared in my mind/schooling. But where my preprogramming kicks in is when I look at working for money- I start to get emotion reactions that do take me over. And only by seeing now and understanding the preprogramming that says I shouldn't work for Money, that can I see it and can I stop it. As the absolute truth, I am life, I have a birthright to create myself as how I wish, within what is best for all. So to be limited by emotional preprogramming that dictates who I am and my motivation is unnacceptable. Life is fascinating, all subjects and all careers are fascinating. I am aligning with one that I have the physical capabilities to do and that pays very well. I can do, I will do it, and I am removing the programming within me that says I shouldn't do it.

Preprogramming is the same as how astrology was created for people and things like fate/destiny was created in the how specific people were meant to have certain experiences and live certain lives in order to reinforce Faith or Belief systems from other people. Its simply a very elaborate hoax/prank done at such a sophisticated and deep level that it can never be exposed/questioned by the ordinary person with limited information/perspective. But within the greater picture it makes sense how and why it exists. The basic answer is enslavement.


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