Day 724 Celebrate Those who are Better than You

When it came to comparing myself to others in where they are in their process. Meaning how "advanced" or "skilled" someone is...

well first off that idea is wrong already. Each person develops their own skill in a particular area of themselves... so there are differences, and different skills.

And secondly both time spent in process makes a difference. Obviously though those who have walked longer have more experience, because they spent more time at it.

When it came to the point of jealousy of someone who is more skilled than I, this is what I did.

I choose to see them as a teacher. I choose to make it a statement of celebration: "wow! that's great they have achieved this!!!! The world is better for it!!! They are better for it!!! And I am better for it!!! So it always a celebration when someone is super strong, super skilled, and advanced!" 

So with this perspective its always STUPID to react or think its bad that someone is super advanced or better than you at something, or anything. It can be process related, but this equally applies to ANYTHING in life.

Seeing/having this perspective of celebration also gave me the confidence to just be myself, and just speak the point. Because there is also WAS an embarrassment to be someone who SEES something and then directing it, cause of that implying that I am more advanced. There is a Humility that comes with immediately moving into a position of a student and learner. Always willing to learn and always willing to be wrong, YET always taking the self-responsibility to INVESTIGATE and NEVER FOLLOW. Desteni is not about people following. Desteni is about walking with as equals. We all need to stand as equals, equally taking the responsibility to CHECK and investigate.



Celebrate the fact that you have people who have been walking process for over ten years now that can support you to walk FASTER than they did. That is a blessing/gift. Be humble and LISTEN and test it out for yourself. Always test it out. Always. That is always what is self-honest. Test it out. Be willing to be wrong, and see directly the TRUTH and just be honest about it.


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