Day 867 Fear exists on the You Level
So another blog on the human mind/programming details using myself as the example.
One of the reasons why blogging is supportive is by having your programming out there in the world, it frees you. Because part of it is keeping it a secret. By saying that you have this issue, then people can't use it against you.
Fear can only work in the moment/here. Fear doesn't exist in the past or the future. You can only ever feel afraid now. The same with everything else really. The only thing that exists is what is here/now. So if you find yourself thinking about some future moment and feeling fear, then realize you are only feeling fear right now, and so all you have to do is to move yourself in this moment. Step out of the fear in this moment. And so don't think or believe that a future fearful moment will happen. I notice this type of thinking of feeling afraid of being afraid of like a future moment. So your in your mind thinking about how something will happen and how you would be so afraid in that moment, that you can't control yourself. But that is an illusion. What's really happening is you feeling afraid now.
So being afraid of someone saying: "You don't know what you are talking about." That is being afraid of a bully. Because that is someone being abusive. And all you have to do is to stop your fear you feel right now. And that's it, and then see the truth of what is here now. That they are being abusive. And the same with the Fear of calling someone abusive. And the Fear of being called abusive for calling others abusive. Donald Trump is the perfect example of a bully that will call others names which he is in fact doing himself. And that is abusive. If we are to fix this world we have to call out all the abusers. And its simple, look at what they say and what they do. You know when actions are hurting others, you know when words are hurting others. You know how to place yourself in the shoes of everyone. You can do it and its simple.
Fear itself is abusive. It is also self-abuse, since you are accepting and allowing it. Have no fear in this reality. Have no fear in any moment. Have no fear in facing any monster, any villain, any situation, any challenge, any person. Have no fear by stopping it yourself in this moment. Then you are truly free and can take responsibility in fact for this world/all. Its commonsense that all fear and all emotions/feeling are signs of enslavement. Humans are not free, both in themselves and also financially.
To defend Fear is to defend Abuse, and to be an abuser. Face what you fear, and Face that Fear that is here within your body space. Fear can only ever exist in you, and your body and your mind. It doesn't exist outside of this body, you must surely realize that. The Fear isn't outside of you, its inside of you. Face your Fear inside!!! That would be in fact Facing your Fears for real. And that is how you will stop fears for real, through your physical body.
Fear can only exist on the You Level. So you can definitely fix it, and stop it. Because its You. You are equal and one to all that exists. That is the nature and law of existence. It is all in equality and oneness.
And through self-forgiveness you can create the space for you to change.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel afraid of myself
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel afraid of fear in me
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not visit the fear inside of me
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not face my fear that I feel
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that fear is inside of me, and its not outside of me in things
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not become acquainted with the fear in me, and how it exists in me and how it exists in my body
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize I can only ever feel fear right now, that I don't feel fear in the future, and it is only in my imagination that I can think of future moments but that isn't true. It is a projection and illusion created with the mind.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize I can exists without fear, that man can exist without fear and that fear itself is abusive and torture
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear calling fear abusive
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear facing the fear in my body
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not equal to my fear
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I am not equal to everything
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I can know the nature of existence without letting myself check and see what is true through doing, through knowing, through testing, through seeing directly and proving through tests.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see who I am as fear
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not challenge fear
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not stop Fear
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not Face the Fear within me
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not take responsibility for myself and for others, through facing Fear within me and revealing the truth of me to myself
Fear can only exist as me. Fear doesn't exist outside of me. I am the Fear. And so I can end the Fear. I am one and equal with and as Fear. I am one and equal with and as All. I have a responsibility to all, to ensure that all is cared for, supported, guided for eternity. I cannot let Fear dictate the future of All. I must take responsibility to dictate the future of us all. And I can't let Fear decide/determine what that future will be. That is what we each must do. That is being a leader, an equal, and servant. This isn't a question, this is the truth that all is one and equal, and this must be made so in reality. It is inevitable. And there is only those who will be part of this future, and there will be those who will be sidelined and watched as paradise is created on Earth.
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