Day 866 Bravery
What Life is is everyone/all. And so Life does come first before any individual. At the same time you are equally important as Life. So what it comes first before is typically the Ego. So Life becomes first before you as ego or anyone else as ego. But Life as you equally comes first.
When you say how Life comes first, the egos will react. The egos will fight, they will say they feel insult, and they will attack you verbally. Because the egos places itself first, not Life first.
So having the Bravery and willingness to stand up and say what is needed to be said so that Life may be supported, and do what needs to be done so that Life may be supported, is critical. That is when living is real, when it is taking into action.
I can feel the fear of what its like standing up. And as well the fear of facing someone aggressive and borderline violent. Violent with their words, and with their threats. Yet Life must stand unmoved. Life must come first. It may very well be the case that you die because someone kills you out of anger/violence in reaction to what you say and do by standing as Life. We have to accept that possibility. Obviously do everything you can to Live/survive, except stopping your process and hiding/giving up. Because if you run away, then that is no longer living anyway. Live so that you may continue standing as Life for the assistance and support of All as Life. I could see that the reason one would run away from Life is because they want their ego still satisfied, and so fear losing that with death.
Death will come for us all eventually. So the only thing you can control is how you live, and thus when you die, you can die well if you lived well. Accept Death, and never let go of Life as all as one as equal.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear losing my ego and pleasures with death
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear violence and being killed
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let fear prevent me from taking action to stand as Life, to speak, and to live.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow threats of violence to sway me in anyway.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I must be without fear completely in order to be brave and thus in order to speak, live and do as Life as all as one and as equal.
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