Day 50 - Make the MOST of what you GOT!!!

Even Einstein had a mother, had people in his life. He was born in a country that had stability. He had school, he had teachers. He had food. Now, I didn't look up these facts, but its logical. Its logical because of how things work. The point is that in my life everything I have done and have achieved, everything I will do and achieve, everything is due to many many people who have been there for me and supported me in some way or another. These include parents who fed me. Now, even if your parents were alcoholic and abusive, they also did things that supported you, even if it was just food. The point here is that no man or woman is an island, no man or woman does it ALONE. Your literal body was born into this world through two people, and your defenseless helpless as a baby. You somehow got raised. Not everyone makes it that far. So yes there are bad things. There are wars, and instability. Your country may not be safe. And these are all bad things. So when you look at someone like Einstein, know and remember how the multitudes of people involved in creating that moment. Because a person's life is like just a moment in the grand scheme of things. Yes you have free will and free choice, but even to have that choice to even do certain is NOT a GUARANTEE. Nothing in this world right now is Guaranteed in terms of living. There has to be People/persons that have to make it a guarantee, that make it a stability. And yes there is bad things lots of it. There is stability born out of the domination and slavery of others. Just like how its possible to create stability NOT born out of abuse of others.

So i guess what I just want to say is THANK YOU!!!

thank you to everything and everyone that makes my life, as this moment in time, possible. Not everyone has this opportunity. Not everyone has what I have. Not everyone has this chance. This is my chance and I don't want to blow it, and mess it up. I want to make the most of it. I want to create an impact on the world, for life, and I have a plan to do it. So, I'm going to do it. I probably will face unexpected challenges and difficulties that I can't predict, but I will find a way to make my aim happen anyway. I will find a way. I will be creative about, smart about it, and succeed somehow, even if it takes a little longer or it takes more out of me, or takes taking some chances. I won't let fear stop me from going after the best result and so making the most of what I got. I got this, I know I do. I will make it happen.

That's all I got to say, thank you for listening.


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