Day 51 Entertainment in the Head

There is an entertainment going on and its not centered in Hollywood California, or Nashville, Tennessee, or Bollywood, or in the internet. It is actually found pretty much everywhere across the globe. It is in our heads, the heads of people.

There is an entertainment happening that is cannot be matched by all the executive studios, producers, actors, singers, comedians around the world combined. It is the form entertainment that we have created with our minds and only we can stop it.

With our heads, our minds, we can create amazing highs, higher than all the drugs. We create these highs and we stay in them. You cannot fight these highs, because entertainment thrives off of conflict. You see it across all the movies and tv shows, all books, songs, stories, games... without conflict they couldn't exist, it wouldn't be called a story. Drama depends on conflict. And Life is destroyed through/from conflict.

An existence, a human population that lives off of Entertainment, within it, as it, will lead to the end of all life eventually. The form of entertainment that we know of on Earth requires conflict.

Like I said, you cannot fight it, because fighting it Feeds it, it is conflict. So how do you stop a war/fight without fighting it? How do you change without fighting yourself?

You have to stop the conflict within YOU. What is the very essence/experience of conflict? Emotions and Feelings. Hate, anger, love, fear, jealousy, revenge, happiness, joy, triumph, victory, gusto, freedom! If there are no emotions and feelings within you how can there be conflict? If you don't feel anything, how can you fight?

This is the one thing we dare NEVER to do, to actually STOP all emotions and feelings. Even though it is certain that they are leading to conflict and that it will lead to the end of all life, we still wouldn't dare to STOP. Yet, it is the one thing that can change everything and save everyone. How dramatic are we?

We would cry and plead, beg for another way, we would fight and argue, resist until the very end, before we stop all emotions and feelings.  We will defend our right, our choice to feel, saying this is right, and natural and to stop them would become inhuman and robotic and evil. We would even dare to say that we would suicide and take our own life if we didn't have emotions and feelings. We say this because apparently we are experts and know EVERYTHING. Really?

Did you know about all the physical horrors happening in the name of entertainment? Do you know all the conflicts and wars that continue based on what people Feel? Do you know what it would be like if we all dropped and stopped emotions and feelings? Do you know what it would be like to have heaven on earth and real peace on earth, where all are treated as equals, and as one people, one life?

I said before, "the form of entertainment we know of on Earth." I said this because this has been our Form of Entertainment that we have lived, and definition that we accepted. So why not create a new form? Why not create a new definition? One that is not based in conflict, in destruction. One that is not based in Emotion, in Feeling. What would that look like and be like? It would be physically based, oneness and equality based, it would be eternal and stable, and it would be equally accessible and available at all times, and free.  It would be Me, within me, as me,  throughout me, permeating me, brought forth from me, through me, and so ME. So it would no longer be Entertainment in the Head, or entertainment based on emotions and feelings, but it would be Entertainment As Me.

In case you are looking for a loophole where you live entertainment as emotions and feelings, understand this, that emotions and feelings exist in SEPARATION of you. You DO NOT control it. And it exists within POLARITY, so it is always in a flux of CONFLICT. Good requires BAD. It exists as something independent and separate from you, YET it requires your participation and attention. And it exists living OFF of the very substance of YOU/ME. So YOU have the power to stop it. Over time it will drain your body and kill you anyway. The very nature of it is conflict and destruction, and it is what you have accepted and allowed yourself to be and all of existence to be. It reflects what you have accepted and allowed. Hence, you are already Living Entertainment as ME as Emotions and Feelings, except its more like you are the Living DEAD, living as emotions and feelings. Get it? Zombies! haha!

So the living dead as emotions and feelings and living a word like entertainment as me, NOT THE SAME.

I could try to explain what it would be like to live Entertainment as me, but as long as you look through the glasses of emotions and feelings, you won't be able to understand. Because I have already described the essence of it. There may be a very small part within you that understands, that may remember a short moment in your life where it was like that or similar to that. Otherwise you will need to first walk the path of stopping emotions and feelings, including your thoughts, before you get to that point of creating Entertainment as you as an expression from you. It is you.

Much more can be learned, read and applied from


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