
Showing posts from September, 2017

Day 42 The Physical, Continued

The Earth, the air, the water, the land, the nature, the plant. Animals, the body, the muscles, organs, cells. Physical. To serve this physical reality. To serve this body. To live for the physical. Living as the physical. Living as the hands, arms, legs, toes, chest, breath, body. Moving, doing what is needed for the physical. Imagine people living as Physical. Imagine all physical needs taken care of. Imagine growth and expansion of the physical. Imagine the nurture, care of the physical. Imagine Living as the physical. Imagine living no more as mind. Imagine Living no more as what we think. Imagine all definitions we think, opinions we think DROP. Imagine Only Being Here, Physical. Imagine only the physical is here. Lets stop serving the mind, and instead use the Mind to serve the Physical. No more separation.

Day 41 The Physical

I serve the Physical. I don't serve the mind. It's time that we all stop serving the mind, and having everything, including the physical, serve the mind. Instead, its time we start having the mind and ourselves to serve the physical. Care for the physical. Guard the physical. Serve the Physical Nurture Grow Expand The physical. The meaning of Life is the Physical, it is not the Mind. The meaning of Life is not our mental experience, or mental definitions. The Meaning of Life is not what we think, but what is physical Everything in our heads is delusion and we can believe or create anything imaginary in our heads. In the physical things are real. They are touchable, they are 3D, they are stable. It's time we serve and live for the physical.. We fulfill our purpose and meaning when we serve the physical. We have a full and complete life when we serve the physical. We need to change our money system so that it serves the physical, so that no mor...

Day 40 The secret to live without being influenced is to stop influencing others

Solution: If you see someone is reactive, step out of their way. Meaning, if someone is sharing their viewpoint in a reactive manner, I myself want to stop their reaction. But you can't help someone to change if they don't want to. So learning to let go, is a big point to stop the "influence." If you let go of the person inside of you, which really means letting go of your reaction to the person's reaction, then what they say won't have any affect on you. So that letting go, stepping aside, moving out of the way, so you can let them face Life and learn through Life how they need to take responsibility for their emotions and feelings. So assist once, and assess whether they are able/willing/ready for help. If not, then step out of the way. Otherwise, you will fight with them, react with them, argue, sharing your opinions, and keep repeating yourself, and they keep repeating themselves, when the truth is you can't help them, even though you want to help. But...

day 39 I Decide

I learned that I decide everything regarding to what I want, and what I do. This may seem stupidly obvious, but let me paint you a picture where you will most likely believe what you want is not a decision, that it is already just who you are. Let's start painting. So, Imagine you are a child, or young person, or just any person, whichever best fits this example for you. Imagine that someone asks you what do you want? Pick the example that makes sense for you, but I found that its true in every example. What do you want to eat? What do you want to do? What to do you want to do in Life? What do you want for yourself in the future? Etc... Now... Now... what is your first response? What is your answer? I bet you that you looked inside yourself to find the answer to the question. And that there was the answer. I have a question for you, where did that answer come from? Let me try again. Is what you want simply a part of who you are? Is what you want just your personality, your li...

Day 38 Lying takes effort/practice

I observed today that lying takes effort. I was lying today as part of what is required/expected in the system, which meant presenting myself in a desirable way in the eyes of the system. The little bit of lying I did was exhausting. I then observed and realized how pretty much 99% of the time, in the vast majority of everyday life in the system we are lying, and that we have practiced lying and that it takes effort, and that we end up tired and drained because of all the lying. I saw I was tired from what little lying I did. After time and practice I could get better at it, and less tired, but still I don't want to lie. Can you see where lying occurs daily? A pop psychology article pointed out how we lie throughout the day, where most people cannot spend like 5 minutes without speaking a lie, on average. So can you think of some examples of lying? How about when someone ask how you are doing? Do you tell the truth or do you lie? Do you just say, Im good, Im okay etc... Is th...

Day37 Scared of being alone

I have this fear within me of being alone within who I am, without. So I am afraid of being who I am, and being the only one like that in my environment, my without. Because I am reacting with fear, I want to react by changing to be like my environment. I want to fit in. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be afraid of being alone within being the only one like me in my environment, my without. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to change who I am to be like my environment, because I am afraid of being alone, as the only one like me in my without, my surroundings. When and as I see myself wanting to change who I am to be like my environment because I am afraid of being the only one like me - I stop and I breathe - I realize it is dishonest to change because I am afraid - I realize it is dishonest to be someone because I want to fit in - I realize I would still be afraid of not fitting in, even when I fit in - I realize that fitting in does not re...

Day 36 Success in Facing Manipulation

So I had a moment of success where someone was manipulating me through confidence/anger/aggression and when that moment happened, I instantly in a flash had recognize what they are doing and being aware of who I am and the pattern of reaction and what I have walked in my blogs/writing. So in that flash moment I then didn't participate in the game of reaction where I became very physical and there was no emotion reaction within me, where normally what I would feel would be nervousness, intimidation, weak and agreeableness. So I spoke myself in that moment as that, basically pointing the reality of the situation, neither good or bad, just what is. In that moment the person also changed, they stopped their manipulation point. So because of the process I have walked so far in identifying manipulating, when someone is manipulating and my reactions, and their responsibility and my responsibility, I assisted that person and myself. What happened next though was that they were kind of re...