
What is best for all
Oneness and Equality

No one can touch who self is. Only you have access to yourself. This means wherever you go, whatever you do, in any moment, you have self. Building yourself is the greatest investment. Being aware of yourself, and bringing yourself here is the best thing to do in any moment. To be yourself is the best way to live. By bringing yourself here, you bring the answers to questions here. By bringing yourself here, you bring clarity to here. By bringing yourself here, you purify what is here so that it is best for all. Cleanse yourself, repair yourself, through bringing through what is missing=== yourself. What is self?

Self is when you listen to the birds. Self is when you listen. Self is when you breathe. Self is when you move. Self is when you create. Self is when you touch, hear.

Self is when you are here. When self is here, everything that happens in yourself is what is best for yourself. 


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