Day 930 rule breaker
Breaking the rules. I am not much of a rule breaker naturally. But to change one's program is to break the rule that one has followed. Without the ability to break rules, following a rule is simply being stuck. Its not a real commitment to follow that rule.
Part of the rules I want to break: we need radical change in the system. Those who abuse and cause violence, those that bully, that verbally abuse and attack, those that cause a nuissance, and harrass others, should be dealt with in a manner that ends their abuse. Be it jail, or a fine, or a warning. Whatever it is, escalation of punishment is completely fine, until they get the message. I am not talking about our current broken justice system, I am saying what needs to be done and carried out by us as a collective, as our responsibility.
Justice should be about reform and correction. As well as not allowing abuse. We cannot allow abuse to occur, period. No matter what it takes to end the abuse.
Money is the greatest vehicle of abuse, since money is literally life giving, and there are plenty that die from lack of it. So to hold so much while you don't need is literally the same as killing these people. That is the nature of money, blood soaked abuse.
Obviously those with lots of money didn't want people to be rule breakers. They don't want their authority and power questioned, threatened. Since money is an agreement, it can be circumvented. There are many ways to deal with these individuals. The dollar is no more real than bitcoin. It has no real value, except when we give it life, through our life. Our work, our sweat and tears. Work for bitcoin, spend in bitcoin, then bitcoin becomes real, and each person adds this value through participation.
Time to break the rule of those who have been abusing through money.
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