Day 924 The mind is a fart

 The mind creations inside ourselves is a byproduct, like a fart. It holds no power. It is our creation. 

So its like a fart. 

So farts is a byproduct of the bacteria breaking down food in your digestive track. It is gas, like carbon dioxide or some other gas. We create an experience inside ourselves like fearing something, and we get so worked up, and make it such a big deal. And the experience we create in ourselves is energy, and that is like a byproduct. We experience it. We experience the muscles contracting, and the physical sensations. But its not real. Its something we made up. And just like a fart, we can release it, and the sensation goes away. And that is the case for the entire mind. The mind is a fart. Just let it go. 

I accept myself. Because I can. Its a decision to say that my self-confidence comes from me, and not anywhere else. My acceptance and confidence comes from me. So when I write, when I speak. I do it. And I do it with confidence and acceptance. I am the creator, the words I write come from me. 

I can say whatever I want. And I am responsible for what I say. I am responsible for myself. Whatever I do or say is my responsibility. I can create myself, and create the moment I am in. 

I feel like on my own I dont have that same level of confidence when I was with a group of people. Because its like a personality I think. And personality is not real. So on my own I default to my personality of not being confident. But I can be aware of that and change that.

Cause the mind is fart, all I have to do is to actually live and do the things and say the things I would do, except as myself alone. And that is in a way truer confidence cause its not dependent on others. It is independent confidence. And that good too cause in a group you want as many independent confident people since you will have conflict at times in the group. 

And to make a group of friends work you need those who will try to bring people back together. And that requires confidence. 


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