Day 917 You are here


All life is one and equal. All thoughts are lies. Every thought the mind presents to you to follow, is a trap wrapped in cheerful wrapping paper. 

Here in this space I have absolute control over every word. Meaning others, you, people can't stop me. This is the power of writing. It is freedom. And morever through words, I can rewrite myself. I can live words into reality. Through firstly breaking through the plane of potential, the words structure gives me structure. That is why words are so powerful. It is the building block, like the dna of self. Through pictures and images, it can't describe self so well. And in fact, image is the mind's playground as well, so caution is advised.

The desire to be what is best for all.

The desire to move as a group.

The desire to have friends.

The desire to be recognized, to be seen.

The desire to be liked.

All desires are bullshit.

Creation, pure creation of self, means one becomes something. Like matter, like an object. That object, that self is not desire. It is something be it confident, be it focused, be it strong or well versed in words, language, and attained abilities. But the ethereal, and effervescent state of emotions and feelings, like desire can never describe who someone is. If a man is feeling angry, is that man an angry person, is that who they are? Or put it as a child, because man were children, and a child becomes an adult. If you feel angry does that mean you are an angry person. Indeed a lie can be believed, and the mind wants you to believe that someone IS an emotion. IS anger, is fearful, is sad, is creepy, a freak. 

So a person who overcomes their mind, is overcoming their emotions, and stopping the mind... gets to a point of desire. And that is when they may question, am I my desires? Am I my motivation? Am I these things that make me feel good? 

Is it the desire that makes you feel good or is it something else? A desire is a statement that says I lack this thing, And I must obtain this thing, achieve this state, own this object or person, make come about this reality to be my own. As a creator with infinite potential, to create desire is ridiculous. Because when a creator creates, they see what it is they are now, and see what they can be, and they decide what it is they will become, and then they do so. There is no desire involved in creation. Instead one sees the results of a choice, the results of a way of being, the effects on reality, and the effects on others, and they see what of those are best for all. To Desire before one even sees the effects of said desires if manifested is an evidence of Insanity. Yet it is what occurs as commonplace. 

So recap. No desires. Who I am, is what I am now. I can see what I can be, and what effects that potential has on reality entirely. And I create the new me, based on that. This is how nature exists. No mind, no ego, no desire. And pure pleasure is experienced based on what it is that is providing the pleasure. Food, Water, Drink, Comedy, Games, Conversation, Physical play. It happens in the moment here, not within Desire. Reality happens HERE always. Reality doesn't exist in the head, in imagination, in hope, in fear, in desire, in memories. 

The mind was created to keep you in separation from everything real, by keeping you attached to that which isn't real. For those, new to this, new to this process, new to SELF. You may not even have anything yet that is you. Your self may not yet be anything yet. Get intimate, and see what is here, see reality. 

Your real when you are living and moving as your created self, done by your hand.


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